


Status: Complete


For me to manage, I must have bonus waiting (to overcome laziness about planning/thinking or lack of social skills to be able to motivate others with money) (I cant work for someone whose wealth is increasing over 100 times as faster as mine and not feel left out). Mgt is hard yukky and uncertain.

But for him to give me such an offer, Bill must see evidence of that ability. For me to show such ability I must recognize that
-he greatly needs techl mgt skills
-I am stupendously well qualified and therefore that if I can entice him I can get such an offer and work hard to achieve it.

But if I dont want Seattle anymore I should do this with someone else. In fact that may be easier w/ Nolan Bushnell and his new Robotics Co.

To develop such skills I must look within myself. No book taught me how to program so well. I must have my own intuition.

But I can only develop this by doing it. First step is to design something with someone else so I know the product.

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