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Mayence (Maintz [also spelt Mainz]), 7th August 1856

My dear James

I wrote to you from London
the 1st Inst. telling you that on the following
morning I was to join at the Croydon
Station Geo. Norman, Mrs. G.N., Libetta,
Fred & Phil with a Courier & Ladies maid.
I did so and as we had arranged,
we slept at Brussels that night.
The following day in the aftn. (Sunday)
I went with the boys to Waterloo. We
came on by rail to Cologne Monday
4th by steamer to Coblenz the 5th, and
here by same conveyance yesterday.
Mr. Norman kindly proposed to wait
a day here to enable me to go down
the river again a few miles & land
amongst the vineyards where Stein
& the Rhine Germans come from, and
I accordingly did so. The result I
have briefly mentioned in the enclosed

[Cross-hatched writing]

Upon embarking in the Steamer here this morning on my
way down the river to Esbach [also spelt Eschbach] who should I stumble upon
on board but King of Irrawang & Mrs. King. He has
been very ill and drinking the waters at Carlsbad [also spelt Karlsbad]. He
is now much better and on his way to England. We
are very good friends and had a long talk.

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