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in all any ? I shall go to ?. I shall cry with joy. How glad I am that I spent those 4 months on the desert and endured those - now all most forgotten hardships - but how I wish I could store ups these present delights and saturate my being with a few of them at a time. Now I am like a bee in a bed of roses. There are so many. Which shall I drink of first?

Mar 6th '05 contd. destroyed the tower. Afterwords the government protected them with soldiers.

Mar 10th - 05. The hill has sloping sides, goes up to a point nearly has a ? Wele? on its summit in the ruins of a - see B. It commands a fine view + appears to be the highest point in the Bjobel Ala. It rises some 150 ft above the plateau and is ? to near summit? which is approx 150 ft above plateau. In afternoon P.L. + N.went to Sabba, 20 mins away over flat evenly plowed fields, and spent about 2 hours. Left Shekh Ali Kaisun 1:52 arrived Sabba 2:30 a small knoll with village of about 20 houses of B. Baseth? settled Bed?. Remains of bldg. of large cut stone, dated 546 A.D. 3 Green inscriptions dates from 543 to 578 A.D. walks of 1 part the bldg. partly standing. Left 5:08 returning to camp 5:30. Pace about 2 1/2 miles per hour.

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