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These three vicious and violent attacks, as you already know,
had been made on my sick person as a totally disabled veteran and had
aggravated, in all areas, my many war-incurred disabilities. These black
attackers whose brutality knows no bounds are barbaric and inhuman. The
Governor of Mississippi to whom I am also sending a copy of this sure
knows the score, too. We have eyes and ear. We know what's going on and
it is indescribable. Words cannot adequately express how heartsick I
feel over the three utterly unprovoked Negro attacks none of which have
bothered anybody, least of all the so-called Negro "leaders" including
our Negress Alderman, Mrs. Vel Phillips a bit. By the way, just what is her
claim to fame? Besides being a small-time lawyer prior to her first
election as Alderman of this ward what noteworthy thing had she ever done?
Make out income tax returns? Big deal!

These brainless black attacks by the blacks as I have said
before on blameless white victims who have done them absolutely no harm,
must be curbed. Enough is enough. Even one attack for a person in my
shape physically was one too many. Every time we pick up a paper it is
full of Negro crime, of stabbing and shootings, robbings, rapes, etc., and
this sort of thing is getting to be a little tiresome. Why do not these
blacks conduct themselves like sane and sober people instead of like the
savages with the sticks through their noses? This is America. This is
not the Belgium Congo. There is no place for such savagery in our Amer-
ican way of life. Their excessive drinking, too, contributes considerably
to the inner core insanity; it numbs their reason. Of course, they are
not too bright to begin with, not too tame, and the booze makes them wilder
still. Their wild conduct is out of this world; they scream and shout
and swear in public and at others. It sure is a crying shame. They are
entirely devoid of decency, have no shame, no morals, no nothing. Their
crazy chatter alone is enough to drive one completely crazy. The women
are just as bad as the men. They, too, drink like fish and fight the cops.
They, too, claw, scratch and bite the law. Maybe when they bite a cop
they're just trying to get a "taste" of the law. Nice ladies! They
booze, brawl and breed! Yell and holler on the street all night long loud
enough to wake the dead. They are loud, lewd and boisterous.

Very truly yours,
[signed: Frank Evans]
Frank Evans

cc: Rev. David H. Pottie,
Second Presbyterian Church,
Evanston, Illinois

P.S. As you also already know we have for our new next door
neighbors a bunch of black homosexuals who sport womanish
hair-dos and attire and one black "fairy" has "blonde"
hair, a mop of it that make [sic] him look like one of the
Marx brothers! These must be the "fruits" of integration,
too. It makes us puke! FE

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