


Status: Complete

Sun Apr 15 Mostly clear but a little squall
of hail about 5 O clock PM. The hail was pretty
large but rather scattering. Johny went home
to day [today] and Mother and I staid [stayed] at home to keep
house. John got an express to learn the particulars
of Mr Rosenows suicide.

Mon Apr 16 Clear mostly and pretty warm.
John and I set strawberry plants and got along fine.

Tues Apr 17 Cloudy and snowed
lots to day [today] and just now it is just
coming down beautifully. John went to
town to get the mail and he took a check to
the Poudre Valley bank of 41 dollars [$41.00] so that
they could pay the Sinclair interest rate.
We done the chores too.

Wed Apr 18 It cleared off to day [today] but
we had a very disagreeable wind most all day.
John put snow into the cistern a good part
of the day and done some other odd jobs.
I rigged out a pitchfork out of two parts a
handle and tines and made a good one too
and I dressed some pieces towards a hay
rack. Lews spotted cow had a calf this
morning and I have been up there three
times to day [today] to look after them.

Thurs April 19 Clear mostly but the wind
just howled all day and is going it yet. John
went to the creamery and set strawberry plants etc.
I set plants some and done some other
small chores.

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