



Status: Complete

176 June 24, 1922 - Saturday
Ma Thin Myine didn't come this a.m. but she
came on the scene at 4 this p.m. Mrs. E wanted
me to go to Woman's Meeting with Miss P. at noon
but I couldn't see it that way. Put in a busy
day straightening; shook & aired all my
quilts, etc. The moths have riddled Grand-
mother's green goods, & been in a number of
other things besides. The dhoby arrived just
before saya ma, short one corset cover
but he finally found it somewhere, thus
retrieving the fourteen pieces I had in this,
& taking out 30 for next week. Then Miss
Cook arrived; I had to have my bath, & was too
tired to hurry, so she had to wait quite a while.
So much to do, and so little time, apparently, in
which to do; my lessons, coming just at the time
they do, chop my day up so, that I feel I accomplish
very little till after 3 p.m. I've looked everywhere
for the paper about the duty on one shipment of
things for which I paid to send to Mr. Phinney, but
cannot find it; I know I have it, but in this mess
cannot lay my hands on it – so aggravating.
Didn't get any more letters off this week; got one
from Cousin Mary Clay, Mrs. Haynes, Verna, in-
vitation [invitation] to Margaret's commencement, etc; they
came drifting in one at a time; also a Y.C. & Lit. Dig.
Must send the former over to Mrs. Hinton as she
said she would like to see them again. Miss O.

says she is going to order the latter. If there is a
local paper, I am going to get it.

June 25, 1922 – Sunday
The so-called 'day of rest' is not for a missionary.
We didn't have S.S. this morn as there was a bap-
tismal service instead – two Kachins + two Burmans
from Theaze & three Chinese – all well; the
former belong to the military, sappers & miners
division. The regular preacher was away – in R.
as he is one of the committee on Bible revision
working with Mr. McGuire & others – so his place
was supplied by a man in a bright green paso –
I of course do not know his name, nor the sub-
ject [subject] of his discourse. Ma T. M. sent over some
milk yes. aft. half of which I drank, saving
the other cupful for the others to sample. She was
sick so didn't come over this aft., the 1st standard
teacher taking her place; I began at the beginning
of John again. Went over to C. E. at 7, as Mrs C. left &
went in with the little folks, leaving me to play;
All the songs were strange & I made an awful
out on the chorus to one of them – with almost none of
which I am familiar. Worked all between times, not
even going down for "tea" trying to straighten up –
such a job! And almost every day I hear of some-
thing [something] for rme to supply – rugs for drawing & dining
rooms & hall; dozens of dish towels, at least two table
cloths (besides the ones I have on hand): besides my 2
bookcases, dresser, mirror, extra chairs, rugs for
my room, glass for pictures, clothes rack, an ex-
pensive [expensive] business. I wrote several cards for yes. a.m.
Hope I can get my trunks repaired here; otherwise
I will cart them down to R. Finally got my letters off to Mr. O.

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