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Questionnaire Describing Edgar S. Welborn, Jr.'s Military Career, Part 1

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The total number of men on board given 23,000. There was a story written by a Reading author ^Ernie Pyle of the time about this particular group of military on the Queen Mary. Readers Digest published the article. About the third day at sea, the Queen's Crew "Cleaned the Guns" without prior notification to our men, who were scared very badly by the booming of the guns. On the fourth day we saw "Spitfires," so we felt some better about conditions. After approximately three nights and four days, we dropped anchor at Greenock, Scotland. 17. Arrival in England Date June 1, 1943 our group was the first one to leave the Queen. Large Barges came out to the ship to take us to the shore. At this point the train came to the port. The trains were quite different in that the doors opened to the outside of each compartment. I do not remember how long the trip was but do remember seeing beautiful Scotch countryside. During this trip the men wanted fruit pies (individual) to eat - we stopped at several stations during the journey. With each stop, we would buy the pies and each time isntead of gruit they would be meat. We ate them but found individual fruit pies were not made in that area! After several

Last edit about 2 months ago by MaryV
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18. Trip to Goxhill hours, possibly a day and night, we arrived at a small train station in the middle of nowhere, which we learned was the Goxhill Deport. We were told to leave the train with our equipment. Since there were no trucks to meet us, we were told we would have to walk to the Goxhill Base. The men had many things to carry. I had two tool boxes, two barracks bags, gun tin hat, gas mask, etc. After walking several hundred yards, Col. Bailey called "Halt," stating "we would not see his men killed in this manner, after bringing them this far." We rested our weary bones while Col. Bailey with three men walked to the Base to check on the status of our Transportation. They returned in an hour to inform us we had no available Transportation. Some men were left to take care of our equipment and supplies and the remainder of us took part of the gear and walked to the Base. We returned later and reclaimed our equipment. 19 Unit training Goxhill Goxhill first night was foggy and raining - nothing happening. I did not sleep much. Second night was different. Weather clear - "Jerry" came over. I was so frightened I put my

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left shoe on the right foot and right shoe on left foot but could run to the bomb shelter as quickly as any one. We had several of these raids at Goxhill. Most of them were for Hull across the river or Grimsby -- nearby. All of them frightened us. 20. Special Training Finally, we began to get our equipment. I received the first P-47 in our squadron. Other P-47s came soon thereafter. These first airplanes were flown from early morning until late. The pilots did all kinds of trainingbombing, gunnery, formations and general adjustment to all aspects of the Air Corps. 21 Living At Goxhill It was during this period we lost two 352nd pilots. They were two of the best and held in the Highest Esteem by all of s. It was a terrible shock and loss for us. My Theory did not agree with the report of the "Brass." Mathias went down on June 16, 1943 and McPherson on July 24, 1943 along with jack Lepird on the same date. We were at Goxhill until the latter part of July 1943 22 Leavel Pass Down My days off at Goxhill were few as my airplane had all kinds of trouble. At one time it was used

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for spare parts. Daddy [Ryniawek?] was the main one who kept taking the parts -- Thus my airplane was named "Daddys Delight," there were several enemy air raids in the area -- The dates I do not have. The Bomb Shelters were used frequently our Mess Sgt. Finkelstein went "Nuts" during one of these raids -- or did he just want to go home? Will never know. MIddle of July 1943 we started preparations to move and were ready by the latter part of July. The airplanes were painted and ready to go. 23 Trip to Metfield I do not recall anything special regarding the trip to Metfield. Everything was new. Some of the construction engineers were still there. After about two weeks of settling in, we were ready and anxious to go. 24 Duty at Metfield Most of our duties at Metfield were much easier. The only personnel on base was our group and all new equipment placed us in a "go" situation. 25 Mission Leaving/returning Metfield On or about Aug 15 our boys made a flight into France (not a great distance in) A. First. Around Aug 16 a flight near Paris. Our boys mixed it up some. Col. Morris tried to win the war then, but

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was lost as was Earl E. Perry. Ugly stories came ut of this encounter I think we were run out of France. I knew first hand hout it felt to lose. Airplane and pilot since Perry was in my aircraft, Daddy's Delight. After a few days I had a new airplane and a new pilot Lt. Robert A. Newman, and we "hit it off" from the beginning. He was a "hot" pilot - Did not mind using his guns. He named his airplane Wham Bam Bugs Bunny Rabbit was the picture we painted on the craft. Lt. Newman did not conform to all rules and regulations which caused him to be in hot water most of the time. With all this, he was liked by the enlisted men as well as the officers. When he got the opportunity, he volunteered for duty with the Buzz Boys! 26 Woodbury's Buzz Boys The "Buzz Boys" primary function was to hit enemy bases just prior to the arrival of the bombers in the Enemy Territory - thus disrupting the Enemy. The work done by this group was very successful. The Enemy cried about this operation calling them THE LOW LEVEL DEVILS! Lt. Newman returned from one mission with Telephone wire on [wing?] and

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