Correspondence, 1959-1960

Animal Welfare Institute





May 30, 1960 Jamestown Newport Co Rhode Island

My dear Mrs. Stevens:

I have had the experience when bringing a Congressional Bill through the good offices of a member of Congress of more blame and [crossed out] than praise heaped on my innocent head. I am sure you are meeting some such now.

I am personally grateful to you and Miss Bemelmans for the many fine things you are accomplishing in abolishing cruelty towards animals.

I am all for your Bill as presented by Senator Cooper. I wrote him to this effect, and I made him one suggestion which doubtless he will pass on to you. This is that the American law in prospect will far outdo the English one if inspection is not left entirely in the hands of minor officials of the government.

The complaint of the great English humanitarians long has been that the English law is practically useless because the bad treatment of laboratory handling of animals still exists but it is impossible to prove because rubberstamped by the little officials subservient to the higher medical authorities.

Two of the most famous humanitarians in the British Isles have long been of course the Scoth Duchess of Hamilton, and Dr. Lind af Hageby.

Representative Forgarty has sent me copies of his correspondence with the officials of the Food and Drug Administration. Their ignorance of what constitutes intelligent handing of laboratory animals is laughable if it were not so revolting. Yet I believe these men to be the average kindly type serving as American officials, and completely ignorant .If these are the heads what can anyone expect from the smaller officials?

I think S.3570 will be a great reform Bill if inspection by trained human experts (not veterinarians necessarily, who are not necessarily humane) such as members of the Humane societies and those of something like the Animal Care Association are included.

I will spread news of the Bill in every way I can you may be sure.

Appreciatively yours [signature]

Last edit over 3 years ago by alander7


May 26, 1960

Senator Edmund Muskie Senate Office Bldg., Wasington, D. C.

Dear Senator Muskie:-

I am writing to ask your support of bill S 3750. I feel Senator Cooper(Ky) is doing a great thing in sponsoring this legislation and am asking you to please lend him all possible support as you have previously fought for "Humane Legislation". We shall all appreciate this.


Lieut. Leon H. Jeffres USNRet

Chairman Legislative Com Vacationland Dog Club

Dear Mrs. Bemele [crossed out] Bemelmans:-

The above copy of a letter is self explanatory. I shall let you know Senator Muskie's reaction.


Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailfeldman


Trying to help all publication going to you.

Laura H[illegible]

We are working hard -

$10 [circled]

Louisville Kentucky

Last edit over 3 years ago by alander7

Telephone: Harwich 808

Copy [illegible] C.S. [underlined] Secretary

Have previously written a couple of Representatives from [Massn?] Ref. your letter recently received. [D.R.?]

DOUGLAS P. ALLISON 17-A Bank Street Harwich Port, Massachusetts

June 17, 1960

Note to Honorable Martha Griffiths House Office Bldg., Washington

I am sending you this note to express my profound admiration for you (and gratitude) in your stand for the protection of defenseless animals and your splendid efforts in their behalf - right now in your bill H. R. 12587.

It is only within the last few years that I even dreamed of the horrors common in the slaughtering industry. I doubt if I'm much dumber than most people who believed that such a huge business would be regulated by law. It was indeed a rude awakening to find the contrary was the case.

As I have stated in various letters to members of Congress it seems to me, to repeat the words 'under God' in the Pledge and then to allow such cruelties as are now being practiced (( in the immensely expanded and tremendously overrated and grossly handled 'medical research' program)) is a base insult to the Divinity.

I repeat also the truism that cruel or sadistic or brutal men will never change their ways unless made to do so by enforced laws. The Public knows nothing of these matters, and unfortunately cares less. The hope lies only in Congress.

Yours, with utmost respect

sgd. [underlined] Douglas [Pardee?] Allison

Last edit over 3 years ago by abigailfeldman

ach'd Thursday

Watson Hallow Inn

West Shokan, New York

Hi Christine - We're getting out about 50 petitions and we'd like to enclose the Lab Animals Bill folder, plus [underlined] your letters of 5/18 - may we have 50 of each or is that asking too much?

And I'll be glad to send you some money for them if you'll give me a price -

We need them by Wed. if possible since we're having 3 card parties for our [illegible] A.S.P.C.A

Thanks heap Love - Clare

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? [/left margin]

Last edit over 3 years ago by alander7
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