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7 revisions
Ben W. Brumfield at May 05, 2015 02:47 AM



Alexander dreams a dreaon and conquers Tyre.

pher in-
terprets it,
he is

* Leaf 6,

He makes
boom on
than the
city tower.
He directs
his men
how to at-

helde in thi hand', and keste vnder thi fete, and trade fare-one,
es pe Citee of Tyre, ]?e whilk Ipou. salt wynn) thurgh strentB
and trede it with thi fote, and Jjare-fore be na-thynge abaiste.'
When Alexander herd" thire wordes, he was gretly comforthed', 4
and vmbithoghte hym) one whate wyse he myghte gette this

And than) he * garte make a^noper bastelte in J>e see, grettere,
& hyere, and strangere |?an "pe toper was. For it was hiere 8
J^an) pe hegheste towie of J^e citee. And J^is bastette was tyede
wit a hundrethe ankers, pan) Alexander gert armede hyii) ^
suerely & wele, & wente by hym ane vp apoiD this bastette, and
badd' att his men) pat pa.j schulde make ]5am) redy for to feghte 12
& to giffe assawte to pe citee. And alsone als J)ay sawe hym
entire in to pe citee, J)ay scholde att at anes presse to pe walles,
and scale ]:»am), and clymbe ou^r pe walles baldely & wyn) pe

And when) att men) weren) redy, hee gerte smyte i6
soundere pe cabitts pat pe bastette was tyed^ w^t, & pe wawes
of pe see bare it to pe walles of pe Citee. And Alexander
delyuerlye stert apon) [pe'] walles, whare BalafD stode, and ran)
apofD hym & slew hym and keste hym ouer pe walles in-to 20
pe dyke of pe citee. And when) pe Macedoyns & J^e Grekes

Cutting the citee
cables he
lets the
towers over
the boom
float in up-
on the city.
He, climb-
ing the
walls, slays

Balan, and sawe Alexander entir in-to pe citee, Jjay schouffed' to pe walles
ers rush all ^^ ^^ anes, and clambe oner, sum) wit leddirs sum) on oper wyse

at once in-
to the city.
Tyre is de-

w^t-o\vtten) any resistence. For pe Tyreyenes was so ferde by- 24
cause of J^e dedde of Balan) )?aire due J)at p'dj ue durste noghte
turne agayne ne defende pe walle^. And on) this wyse was J^e
citee takefD and doungen) doune to pe erthe.

Fra pe segge of Tyre Alexander & his men) went to pe citee 28
of Ga5a and assailed? it, & wit schorte while pa^j wan) it. And
Fra thethyfi) hyed? hym towarde^ lerusalem for to ensegge it.

^ Qwheii) pe Bischoppe of pe lewes herde tette f>at Alexander
was commaund toward? lerusalem, he gert call bifore hym) att 32
pe iewes f^at ware in pe citee, and talde )3am) pe tythynge^ J^at
before him, ware talde hym. And sythen) he commandid? J>am) f>at ]:>ay
fasting, schuld? cofn) to pe temple, and be f>are in praynge Fastynge^
sacriSe^^^ and wakynge & in sacrafice makyr^g vn-to godd", bisekand hym 36
An Angel of helpe & socoure. And f>ay did' soo. And on pe nyghte nexte

takes Graza

marches on

The Bishop
of the Jews,
this, calls
the Jews

* The 1/ of hy"^ for hym) is written over
another letter scratched out.

^ Twelve half lines space with miniature
of a Q.


