



Status: Complete

absolutely cured. I am determined to get quite well. I am taking an
easy day to-day, and am going to take Newton down to see Cavan [ST: Lord Cavan?] in
the afternoon.

Now, my little one, you are going to be very brave & to get quite well too.
It is really a very easy comfortable life I have here, and if I don't get fit soon
I shall come home. I am going to bring my inside to reason at all costs.
The next time I come back I hope I will be in the pink, as the Tommies say.

It was a great joy to see you & the blessings. If you all keep well
I shall be all right.

The weather is grey & lowering & not much to boast of. It
is warm & windy & altogether miserable. Pray Heaven it changes soon.

Much love, my own little one

Your very devoted


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JB's duodenal ulcer was giving him a lot of trouble in France, and he was worried about his wife's spirits which would sink when he was away. She suffered from depressive episodes from time to time, but whether this is one of them, or just that she is down because he is away, is uncertain.