



Status: Complete

Ran into rainy weather went down to the second story in the Engine Room, where I spent the greater part of the day reading. Up to date I have not yet decided what occupation I shall take up when I get back. I have spent time trying to make up my mind but cannot come to any decision yet. So I intend to leave it until I get home. I will have to start work pretty soon as I have not saved very much since I have been away. Anyway I have spent the greatest part of it in sight seeing but I do not regret it in the least.

Finished up Bob's reqs. My collection of photos now - not including 3x3 (?) is about 500. Spent the evening indexing them.
Still today my thoughts are at home. I wonder what change I will see in Mater. Also in Marie. I expect Marie to be taller and slightly fatter, also that she will just be blossoming into the first stages of womanhood. The flapper stage will be passed. I wonder has Ina become any quieter, but I expect she will just be the same old Ina of old.

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