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H/4/1921 -7- 179

of how it is done. I quote the following -
"The way I suggested for planting [main?]
crop of tomatoes is about as follows.
First get the land in thorough condition,
about good enough for planting early
potatoes, then as late as possible before
time to set out the plants, lay off the
rows with a little shovel plough, a
good decided row, cover the ground thoroughly
with good fairly coarse stable manure &
at the first season [?] set out the
plants, spray with Pyrox, and prepare
to gather a large crop of tomatoes.

The manure will mulch the land and
the top will be [leached?] out and clean
by the time the tomatoes are ready for
straw - straw always scalds the tomatoes
on my heavy clay soil - the land will
need no manure before ploughing in
the fall - The manure will settle &
the rows will be plainly visible for
setting out plants, be sure the manure
is thick enough to hide every [?]
of ground & to smother all weeds."
J. W. Jones

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