Untitled Page 66




Status: Complete

The mountains also are fresh
and distinct against the clear sky
with its fleecy, filmy couds, and
they seem to allure one to come up
and look at the world from their
heights and see what is behind them
also. It is too lovely to stay for-
ever shut up in recitation or poring
over books and I have decided to
arrange my studies so that I shall
not have to rob the time to see

Friday afternoon Mr. Buchanan
and Mr. Morgan came over and played
tennis with Minnie and me and as
before Minnie and Mr. Morgan beat.
Saturday noon Mr. Harris and Mr.
Buchanan came to see if Kate Evans
and I would play. We did, and
Mr. Harris and I were beaten again
but I am learning. It seems just
wicked to be shut up these fine days
but I have no excse to leave work
for play as I am the picture of any-
thing but ill health.

Friday evening a number of
us went calling Dr. Jorda and
some of the other professors. It was
a lovely moonlight night and we had
pleasant calls.

Mell sent me a great big box
in which was a five pound box of
mixed candy and two boxes of marsh-
mallows. It was very good of him and

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