Untitled Page 78


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2 revisions
dbautista5 at Sep 19, 2018 11:41 PM

Untitled Page 78

Down on the second floor a
box of apples has been received and
some jam and crackers also collected
and while the delicacies disappear
the awed girls sit shivering with
horror while some direful and harrow-
ing tale is told them and some of
them suddenly scream when they really
hear the sepulchral voice coming
through the key hole.

Coming into my own room I
find an effigy of myself calmly sitting
in a rocking chair with a towely
insipid face.

Presently the lights dip and
then ere long they really go out.

The stories cease, candles
are lighted and by their dim light
the feasters tread the deserted halls
back to their own domiciles and per-
haps gaze at the moon awhile, then
retire to be visited during the night
watches by night horses and by post-

I will tell you about your
essays some other time. With much love,

