Untitled Page 9




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afraid that we may lose him. The piano is here and serving its
purpose very well. I attended a dance at the Mariposa Club
about two weeks ago. That is a girl's club where Ivan had a
sister living. I also went to the Junior Jolly-up and took a
Pi Phi, Grace Post of Pasadena home from it. She knows the
Stocks and said that she accompanied them on a mountain trip up
Wilson, I believe. She knows you all or at least knows of you.
Friday night the Delta Gamma's gave an informal dance at their
house in honor of their newly acquired members of which they have
quite a crowd. "Buzz" Hazzard, who was at the lake this summer
gave me a bid and I attended. I see that I will have to learn
some new wrinkles on the dance. They do the Boston with the big
dips and turns. I have taken Miss Hazzard to the picture show a
few times. Thus much for the social end of things. We have been
planning an addition to the house which will give us a larger
dining room and more sleeping porch. We hoped to get the University
to make the improvements which would cost about fifteen hundred
and simpy charge us a little more rent. This would allow us to
take in a couple more men and would not be any more of a burden
than we know have and would be a very great convenience. We made
a tentative plan and then had to take it before the really biggest
gun in the University, the man who is the real power both behind
and on the throne, Lathrop, who is the Business manager of the U
and on the Board of Trustees and a brother of Mrs. Stanford.
Ivan and I appeared before his highness, and he is investigating
the matter. he is a very vain sort of blustering type and has gout,
a limousine, and other perquisites of aristocracy. He is a very hard

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