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be best represented by a picture of myself with a halo around my
head. Not so. But I am the president and as such am trying to
do the best in my position which should be one of responsibility.
You are confronted either with the position of being considered
too much of a "crab" and are apt to personally antagonize the
fellows or else the house discipline is lost and the things for
which we are striving go by the board. Table etiquette I am
working for by means of having a little society in which the
members are fined for various offenses. We have four members now
and the discussion we are continually bringing up at the table
serves to bring the short comings of the other fellows before them
without injuring their feelings on so delicate a matter. Some of
the boys are really crude, at least they will not obverse what
they know if they do and by our present means we have a good
deal of fun and are really able to accomplish much. For instance
in passing to or receiving a dish from a person on your right you
use your left hand. This is something for which we make a hard
fight, also spreading a piece of bread larger than enough to be
put in your mouth at once or at most enough for two bites. Some of
the fellows got around that by putting a full slice of bread in
their mouth at once. Talking with the mouth full and chewing with
the mouth open is a point we are hitting hard. Soup out of the
side of the spoon is another point. You see we realize that it
is useless to expect to appear anything more than crude in the
eyes of company or at least unnatural in the matter of table
manners unless we do every day just what we would wish to do
if we had a critical guest present. Every day pounding is the
only way that anything can be achieved. It is late now and as I
have an exam tomorrow I will have to discontinue now. When you
receive this letter it will be the twenty-first I presume and I
assure you that I shall be thinking of you all on that day. I hope

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