Colonial North America: Countway Library of Medicine

Pages That Need Review

Little, David, 1740-1805. Smallpox account from David Little against the town of Newbury, 1794 February 3. B MS Misc., Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 1)
Needs Review

(seq. 1)

1793 The Town of Newbury to David Little Dr. for Sundra articles {delivered} at the Pest house by order of the Overseer of the poor

October 4 To 2 quarts of Milk 6d , 1 pound of Sugar 7d , {delivered} to Benjaman Jackman £ 0 1 1
Lemons 2 quarts of Milk 6d potatoes 5d {delivered} Jaques } 0 7 8 5 To [7 lbs 11 oz?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 1/3 .5, 2 [lbs?] of flower bread 6d, 2 quarts of Milk 6d, two pies 8d, Same 7d delivered to Jaques and Jackman } 0-3-? 6 To one gallon of Milk 1/, one gallon of Cyder 6d, 2 quarts of Soap [8?]d } 0-2-? 7 To 4 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d, 2/4 Loaf of flower bread 6d, 6.5 lbs of Lamb [a'l?] 3d [1/7.5?], [Cash?] 3/ paid for 2 quarts of Annes Seed for Mr Jackman } [0-7-4?] 8 To 2 quarts of Milk 6d, 2 quarts of Mollasses [2/6?] 6p, late pumpkin pies [a'l?] 4d [9/?], 4.75 [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 9.5d - [2.5?] [lbs?] of flower bread [4.5d?] - 1.75 lbs of Lamb [4d?] ; To 1 pound of Coffee 1/2, 1 pound of Candles 11d delivered to Jaques & Jackman } [0-3-7?] October 9 : To 2 quarts of Milk 6 flower bread 4d, 6.25 lbs of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 1/1, Same 10d } 0-2-9 October 10 : To 8.5 [lbs?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d, [2/1.5?] lbs 2 quarts & pint of Milk 7.5d, Vinerger [5d?], 2.5 lbs of pork [a'l?] 8d, 1/8 } 0-4-10 October 11 : To 2 quarts of Milk 6d, 10 [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 1/8, Cash 1/6 paid Lemons } 0-3-8 October 12 : To 3 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d 1/9, 1 lb of Candles 11d, 8 lbs of Lamb [a'l?] 3d 2/, 2 quarts of Milk 6d, 3 lbs of Salt fish 9d, 3 lbs of flower 9d } 0-6-8 October 13 : To 3.5 lbs of brown bread [a'd?] 2d-7d, 2.25 [lbs?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d-7d, 2 lbs 13 oz of pork [a'l?] 8d 1/10.5, one gallon of Cyder 8d, 3 quarts of Milk 9d, Cabbage 4d, Jaques & Jackman } [0-4-?] October 14 : To 3 quarts of Milk 7d, 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8, [4.25?] [lbs?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3 1/4, [9 lbs 3oz?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 2/6, Jaques 3 pints of Vineger 7.5, Same 2d Jackman } [0-6-0.5?] October 14 : To one water pile pail 1/6 delivered to [Mr?] Nolton } 0-1-6 October 15 : To 4.75 [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 9.5d, 2 quarts of Milk 6d, 2 lbs of Coffee [a'l?] 1/2 - 2/4, 2 quarts of Soap 8d } 0-4-3.5 October 16 : To 3 quarts of Milk 9d, one gallon of Cyder 8d, Seven apple and pumpkin pies 4-[4/4?], 1/2 bushel of Aples 1/ delivered to Jaques and Jackman } [0-4-9?] October 17 : To [6 lbs 11 oz?] of Lamb [a'l?] 3d 1/8 Jackman, To [Cash?] 3/ paid for wine, [3 lbs 6 pz?] of flower bread 10d, one Chicken 10d to Jaques, 3 quarts of Milk 9d, 1 lb 2 oz of Candles 1/0.5 } 0-8-1.5 October 18 : To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8 Jaques, 3 quarts of Milk 9d, [4?] lbs of pork [a'l?] 3d 3/4 Jaques & Jackman, [Cash?] 2/3 paid for Annis Seed Cabbage 4d, [4 lbs 5 oz?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d-9d, 1/2 peck of Meal 9d } 0-9-10 October 19 : To 3 quarts of Milk 9d, Loaf of flower bread 6d, [Cash?] [2/9.5?] paid for Lemons, peck of potatoes [5?] delivered Jaques } 0-3-5 October 20 : To Chiken 10d, 5.25 [lbs?] brown bread 10.5d, [3 lbs 5 oz?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d-10d, 3 quarts of Milk 9d } [0-3-1.5?] October 21 : To [Cash?] 9/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood, 3 quarts of Milk 9d, 4 [lbs?] of flower bread 1/, 1.5 peck of Apples 9d, 1 lb of Candles 11d, 1 tin Cup 8d, two glass bottles 9d, 1 Jug 1/ to one hand and 4 oxen [5?] hours to hal wood 5/ } 1-0-0 October 22 : To 3 quarts of Milk 9d, 2.75 [lbs?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d-8d, 4 apples pies [a'l?] [8?] -/4, 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8, 2 lbs of Coffee [a'l?] 1/2-2/4, 2 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d 1/2, 1/2 peck of Meal 9d, 9 [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?], 2d 2/6 delivered to Jaques & widow Richards } 0-10-2 October 23 : To [7 lbs 10 oz?] of Lamb [a'l?] 3d 1/11, 9 [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?] [9?]d 2/6, 9 [lbs?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d 2-/3, one gallon of Milk 1/, 3 pecks of apples 1/6, one gallon of Cyder 8d, 3 apple pies 1/, delivered to Jaques Family and widow Richards } 0-9-10 October 24 : To one gallon of Milk [2/?], 1 lb of Candles 11d, Cabbage 4d, Jaques & widow Richards, [Cash?] 3/ paid for 2 quarts of Wine for widow Richards } [0-5-3?] October 25 : To one gallon of Milk 1/, peck of potatoes [5?], 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8, Vinerger 3d, 5 lbs of Lamb [a'l?] 3d 1/3 delivered Jaques & widow Richards } 0-4-7 October 26 : To a hors and Chaise hird to move Sarah Goodwin and nurse to the pest house at [Charles?] Farm } 0-3-6 October 26 : To 14 lbs of Lamb [a'l?] 3d 3/6, [2?] lbs of Coffee [a'l?] 1/2-2/4, [3 lbs 6 oz?] of pork [a'l?] 8d 2/3, 2 quarts of Mollasses 2/8, [5 lbs 3 oz?] of bread [a'l?] 3d 1/3, Cabbage 4d, 1 gallon of Milk 1/, [4 lbs 11 oz?] of Cheese [a'l?] 9d 3/6, [Cash?] 6/3 paid for wine delivered to Jaques and widow Richards } 1-2-1 October 26 : To a [horse and?] Chaise hired to Carry [Mrs?] Noyes a Nurse to pest house } 0-1-6 October 27 : To 3 quarts of Milk 9d, [11 lbs 13 oz?] of flower bread [a'l?] 3d-3/, 1/2 lb butter 6d, [12?] [lbs?] of brown bread [a'l?] 2d 2/, one gallon of Milk 1/ delivered to Jaques & widow Richards } 0-7-3 October 28 : To [Cash?] 6/ paid for gallon of wine for widow Richards } 0-6-0 ----------------------------------- L 8-[19?]-0
Last edit almost 3 years ago by blackletterkate
(seq. 6)
Needs Review

(seq. 6)

BMS MISCellaneous

Last edit almost 4 years ago by heidimarie
(seq. 16)
Needs Review

(seq. 16)

Account Continued from the Last Page and the foot brought forward which is

1793 October 29 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 1[?] of Candles 11[?] on Sheet 7/6 one pillow Case 1/6 apples 7[?] [?] por widow Richards 30 To 10 1/4[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] - 1/ 3 1/2 2 1/4[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?]-7[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?]-2 head of Cabbage 8[?] 4-6[?] pork [?] 8[?] - 9/11 Cash 10/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood to one hand and 4 oxen 5 hours to hol wood 5/ - for [Jaques?] and widow Richards To hors and Chaise hired to Move Silas Rogers and two Children to the Pest house on Child broke out with the Small pox 3/6 To Cash 6/ paid for wine for widow Richards 31 To 7 3/4[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?]-1/11 5[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 5 1/2[?] 1/2 bushel potatoes 10[?] 1/2 bushel of apples [?] 1 gallon of Milk [?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 [?] 10 widow Richards and Jaques Nov 1 To 6 1/4[?] of flower bread 1/6 two pounds of Coffee [?] [?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] five Candles 4[?] [?] for Roger and Abiah Jones To a team to Move the widow Pittengell and her for daughters with every nesiary article to the pest house her for Brook out with the small pox To 4-6[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?]-1/1 2-6[?] of flower bread 3[?]-7[?] - 3[?] of brown Bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 4 1/2[?] [?] to Stephen Jaques 2 To 10 1/2[?] brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] - 1/3 1/2 4[?] of dry fish [?] 3[?] 1/ 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] [?] [?] Stockings and 2 Shirts for [Alan?] Rogers 3/6 1[?] of Candles 11[?} [?] 7[?] [?] for Rogers and Abiah Jones 3 To 8 1/4[?] of Lamb 3[?] 2/1 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 a new [bed?] Card 3/4 [?] for Rogers and Abiah Jones 4 To Cash paid for wine 1/6 5[?] of rice [?] 3[?]-1/3 one gallon of Milk 1/ 2[?] of flower bread 6[?] pepper 3[?] 2 1/2[?] of bron bread 3 1/2[?] 5 To 5 1/4[?] of flower bread [?] 3[?] - 1/4 1 peck of [Indian?] Meal 1/6 1/2 bushel Mollasses 10[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 1/2 bushel of piers and apples 1/3 Rogers and A Jones 6 To 71/2[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 4/10 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] 1/2 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 3/4[?] of Candles 9[?] 5 3/4[?] of brown bread [?] 8 1/2[?] Cabbage 6[?] 7 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 4 pies [?] 2/ 1 garment 6[?] [?] 4[?] 2/2 Rogers and A Jones 8 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] 1[?] of Candles 11[?] Cash 10/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood to one hadn 4 oxen 7 hours to wood 5/ 9 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 3 1/2[?] of Lamb [?] 3 1/2[?] eight biscuit 4[?] 2 head of Cabbage 6 1 peck of apples and piers 10[?] [?] Rogers and Abiah Jones 10 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 6[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 9[?] pie 5 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] 11 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] biscuit 2[?] one gallon of Cyder 6[?] 3[?] of brown bread 4 1/3[?] this day Carreed Silas Rogers Son [Jared?] to the pest house with the small pox 12 To 12 3/4[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/7 4[?] of flower bread [?] 3[?] 1/ 2 quarts of M Mollasses 1/6 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/2 2/ 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2 heads of Cabbage 7[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] 1/2 1[?] of Candles 11[?] one bottle of wine 1/ 8 1/2 in Cash 13 To one gallon of Milk [wine?] measure 11[?] from Brother [Joshua?] 14 To 5[?] 13 of pork [?] 8[?] 3/10 1/2 one gallon of Cyder and peck of turnups 6[?] 2 heads of Cabbage 7[?] peck of apples and piers 8[?] 15 To 2 quarts of 6[?] 2[?] of flower bread 6[?] 2-6[?] of brown bread 3 1/2[?] 16 To one pound 3 ounce of Candles 1/1 11 3/4[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/ 5 1/2 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 6 3/4[?] of Lamb [?] 1/8 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] Cash 9/ paid for 1/2 Cord wood one hand and 4 oxen 1/2 a day to hol wood 5/ peck of apples 6[?] 10 Chaise to carry Sarah Goodwin home form the farm and Chaise to the pest house for [Nabby?] Clark 17 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 18 To 5 1/2[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 8[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 19 To 1 peck of Apple and piers 8[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 10[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/3 1/2 this day Moved Silas Rogers widow and infant to the Pest house extra Cost for horse and Carriage2/ 20 To 5[?] Salt fish [?] 3[?] 1/3 1 gallon of Cyder 6[?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8 8-6[?] of beef [?] 3[?] 2/1 5[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 3/4 turnnups 2[?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by SHoman
(seq. 17)
Needs Review

(seq. 17)

the account Continued from the last Page foot brought forward which is 1793 November 21 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/-2/ Seventeen biscuit 8[?] 1/2 Sauce 10[?] to a Chaise to the pest house for Abiah Jones1/6 22 To two quarts of Milk 6[?] 5 1/4[?] of brown bread[?] 1 1/2[?] 8[?] 2 Lemons 4 1/2[?] 23 To 9 1/2[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/2 1/2 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?]-1/2 Cash 10/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood one hand 4 oxen 5 1/2 hours to hol wood 5/ -4 1/2[?] of rice [?] 3[?]- 1/1 1/2 apples and piers 8[?] peck of Meal 1/6 one gallon of Milk [?] 24 To 2-9[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 1/8 1/2 4-11[?] of Mutton [?] 3[?] - 1/2 peck of potatoes 6[?] Cabbage 6[?] - 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] beets and turnups 4[?] 25 To two quarts of Milk 6[?]-5[?] of brown bread 7[?] 1/2 thread 3[?] 26 To two quarts of Mollasses 1/8 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] -10[?] of brown bread [?] 4 1/2[?] - 1/3 13 biscuit 7[?] 1[?] of Candles 11[?] thisday brought Anne Pettengil home 27 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 10-14[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/4 1/2 2[?] of Mutton [?] 3[?]-6[?] 30 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] -7[?] of Mutton [?] 3[?] -1/9 1-2[?] of Candles 1/ 1/2 1-5[?] Coffee 1/5 hour paid of to extra Cost for horses to move Clarissa [Huse?] to the [Lower?] house December 1 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] - 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] 1/2 one peck of piers 1/ 2 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] -3 [roes?] of pins 1[?] 3 To 7-7[?] of bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 11 1/2[?] 1[?] of butter [?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8 2[?] of pork [?] 8[?] - 1/4 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 4 To 5 3/4[?] of Lamb 1/8 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] peck of potatoes 6[?] 5 To 3 Lemons 10[?] - 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 1/2 peck of turnups 3[?] 1/2[?] Candles 5 1/2[?] December 2 To Cash 10/ paid for 1/2 cord of wood holling wood 5/ 6 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 9 3/4[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/2 peck piers and apples [?] this day brought Richard and Silas Rogers from the Pest house and put them to the widow Pettengills 7 To 5 3/4{?] of Lamb [?] 3 1/2[?] 1/8 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 1 1/2[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 7/ 9 To 1[?] of Coffee [?] 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] - 1/2 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 1/10 paid for wine 10 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] - 6 1/2[?] of Mutton 1/10 - 9 3/4[?] of bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 1/3 11 To 1 quart of Milk 3[?] 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] Cash 1/6 paid for bottle of West Indian rum 12 to 3 pints of Milk 4 1/3 Biscuit 5 1/3[?] 13 To a bottle of Milk 3[?] paid for Moving Mrs Rogers and Children home 4/ 14 this day moved Clarissa [Huse?] to the upper Pest house To one under bed omitted to charge above 5/ and two Suits of Clothes for widow Rogers Sons Silas and Richard 10/ To 4 oxen to the pest house October 3 rd with [Stukney?] goods omitted to Charge 3/ and one Shirt for Rogers boy 1/6 15 To one quart of Milk 3[?] 26 To extra Cost for horses and double Slay this day to Move Merriam Hunt and two Children to the pest house 4/ 27 To Cash 1/6 paid for wood borrowed of Mr John Atkinson 28 To extra expense for hors and double Slay to Move Benjamin Knight wife and Child Miner Knight and Sally Reel to the pest house Mrs Knight was broak out with the Small pox 29 To 8-5[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?] - 2/1 - 1 3/4{?] of Lard [?] 9[?] - 1/4 - 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8 one pound of Coffee 1/4 biscuit 2[?] - 3 1/2[?] of fine Meal 7[?] - [?] Mr Hunt this day Moved Joseph Boatman and Soloman Downs wife to the pest house who were broak out with the small pox Thomas Somerly went with Me went with two horses and double Slay 30 To 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] - 1/2 - 4-9[?] of pork [?] 8[?] - 3 1/2 one peck of piers and apples [?] - 2[?] of [Souchang?] tea 9[?] biscuit [?] 1[?] of butter [?] one Sheet 7/6 - 9[?] of Candles [?] 11[?] - 1/10 - 2 quarts of Oatmeal 10[?] pillow case 1/ one bed blanket [?] [?] towel 10/4

Last edit almost 4 years ago by SHoman
(seq. 18)
Needs Review

(seq. 18)

1793 account Continued from the Last page and the foot brought forward which is
December 31 To [1/2?] bushel of potatoes 2/, peck of beets and turnips 9d, Cabbages, 10 [lbs?] of bread [al'd?] [1/2?] 1/3, 1/2 lb of honey 6d, 7 lbs of rice [al'd?] 9d - [2/9?], 6 Lemons [o'd? 4=?], [Cash?] [2/6?] paid for bottle of W. .E rum delivered for Bootman [Ms?] [Downs?] & [Mrs?] Hunt } L 0-9-5

January 1 To [Cash?] 4/6 paid for 2 quarts of Sherry wine, [Cash?] [2/6?] paid for 6 Lemons, [Cash?] [2/6?] paid for hourglass, for 1/4 tea 9d, for biscuit 10d, 2 lbs of honey 1/, for Joseph Bootman & [Mrs?] [Dawns?], 3 lbs of Coffee [al?] 1/ - 3/, 9.25 of Lamb [a'l?] [3.5?] 2/8, one blanket 12/, pair trowsers 2/, for Bootman } 1-9-9
2 To peck of Apples 8d [checkmark?] } 0-0-0
3 To [Cash?] 4/6, paid for two quarts Sherry wine, for bootman & [Mrs?] Dawns one gallon of Cyder 6d, 3 pipes & tobbaco 8d, 4.5 lbs of beef [a'l?] 4 - 1/6, 4 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d - 2/4, one pint of Musterd Seed [2d?], [Cash?] [2/6?] paid for bottle of W. [En'd?] rum one dozen biscuits 8d, 1 lb of honey 1/, 3 Cups & Saucers 6d } 0-13-7
4 To 11 [lbs?] of bread [a'l?] [2.5d?] 1/5, Close Line 2/4, [oled?] Cloth 4d, [tins?] 1d } 0-3-2
5 To 4.75 [lbs?] of beef [a'l?] 4d 1/7, Cash 4/6 paid for a quarts of Sherry wine for Bootman & [Mrs?] [Dawns?], 9 lbs of Candles [a'l?] 11d 1/10 } 0-7-11
6 To 2 lbs of Coffee [d?] 1/-2/, 1 lb of butter [2/?], 16 biscuits 8d, 1 gallon of Cyder, 6 Cash 11/, paid for 1/2 Cord of wood halling 5/, [Cash?] 4/6 paid for 2 quarts of Sherry wine for Joseph Bootman & [Mrs?] [Dawns?] } 1-4-8
7 To 4 lbs - 6 oz of pork [a'l?] 8d 2/11 } 0-2-11
8 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8 biscuit 6d, 1/4 [Sonchong?] tea [2/6?] } 0-3-8
9 To 3 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d [2/9?] [Cash?] 3/ paid for [1.75?] quarts of W. [En'd?] rum, one gallon of Cyder 6d, 10 [lbs?] of bread [a'l?] [1.5?]d 1/3, 1/9 lbs of honey 6d, 7 lbs of beef [a'l?] 4d 2/4 } 0-9-4
10 To [Cash?] 4/6 paid for 2 quarts of Sherry wine, [Cash?] paid for 2 quarts of Oatmeal and pound honey 2/ & biscuit [10?]d, thread 1d, Oatmeal 4d, [Mrs?] [Nolton?] bought 2 lbs of Candles [a'l?] 11d-[1/10.5?], bushel [potoaes?] 2/, Cabbage 4d, Chickens [2/?] } 0-11-11
11 To 2 quarts Mollasses 1/8, 8 lbs of Mutton [o'l?] 9d 2/ } 0-3-8
12 To 16 biscuits 8d } 0-0-8
13 To one gallon Cyder 8d, [Cash?] 1/6 paid for bottle of W. [En'd?] rum [Cash?] 1/3 paid for 1 quart of Sherry wine one Junk bottle 4d } 0-4-9
13 [Cash?] 12/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood halling one hand & 4 oxen 7 hours to hal wood to the pest house 0/ } 0-12-0
14 To 3-[9?] lbs of flower [o'l?] 3d-9.5d, 10.5 lbs of Mutton [a'l?] 3d, 2/7.5 peck of [piers?] & apples [2/?], this day Moved [Nonnah?] Jackman to the pest house went with two horses & double Slay } 0-6-5
15 To 10 [lbs?] of bread [a'l?] [1 1/5?]d 1/3, 3.75 lbs of pork [a'l?] [8?]d 2/6, 1/2 bushel potatoes 2/, one gallon of Cyder 8d, [Cash?] 2/3 paid for 1 quart of Sherry wine, 4 Cabbages [2/?] } 0-8-8
16 To 6.75 lbs of beef [a'l?] 4d 2/3, 16 biscuits 8d, 3 lbs of Coffee [a'l?] [2/?] 3/, 2ood & halling 4/6 } 0-10-5
17 To - To [Cash?] 12/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood hallin } 0-12-0
17 To 11 lbs of Mutton [a'l?] 3.5 [3/2.5?], 2 quarts of Molasses 1/8, 3 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d [2/9?], 2 lbs of Candles [a'l?] 11d 1/10, [2.5?] [lbs?] of bread [a'l?] 1.5d 8d } 0-9-1
18 To [Cash?] 3/ paid for 2 quarts of Mollaga wine, Six quarts of Soap 2/ } 0-5-0
19 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8, Cabbage 9d, 1/2 bushel of potatoes & beets [2/?], 7 lbs of beef [a'l?] 4d 2/4, 4 lbs of pork [a'l?] 8d 2/8, [10 lbs 6 oz?] of bread [a'l?] [2.5?]d 1/3.5, 1 dozen biscuits 8d, gallon of Cyder 8d } 0-11-0.5
20 To 3 feet of wood 9/, Halling 3/6, 8 lbs of Mutton [a'l?] 3d 2/, Salt 3d } 0-14-9
20 this day [bran?] [I?] Moved Beg Bootman to the pest house went with two horses & double Slay and brought [Benjamin?] Knights Family home } 0-2-0
21 To 4 lbs of Sugar [a'l?] 7d 2/4, 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/8, 1 gallon of Cyder 8d, 5.5 [lbs?] bread [a'l?] 1.5d, 8d [Cash?] 2/6 for bottle of W. [En'd?] rum , dozen biscuits 8d } 0-7-6
22 To 2 peck of Meal [2/6?], 6.5 lbs of fine Meal 1/4, 7 lbs of rice [a'l?] 3d 1/9, [Cash?] paid for 3 pints of Sherry wine 3/4.5 for [Pog?] Bootman for 2 lbs of Oatmeal [2/?] for 9 Lemons [1/4.5?] for pound honey 10d, 3.5 lbs of pork [a'l?] 8d 2/4, 7.5 lbs of Mutton [a'l?] 8d, [2/10.5?], 1/2 bushel of potatoes 1/, peck of apples & [piers?] 10 [2/3?] } 0-16-10
22 paid Jacob Hole for Chaise to bring [Nurs?] home [2/6?] } 0-1-6
Last edit almost 4 years ago by heidimarie
(seq. 19)
Needs Review

(seq. 19)

A List of the Names of Persons that have had the Small Pox in the two Pest houses in the Common [Pasture?] belonging to the Town Newburg from October 2nd to this 4th day of [January?] 1794 Excepting Doctor Moses Sawyers Class and [Dir?] Osgoods Family Benjamin Jackmans wife & Child Mary Merrill Benjamin Stickney and wife William Stickney, wife and Child Sally Stickney Jane Stickney Nancy Stickney Sally Butter Stephen Jaques, wife and Children (Phebe, Elenor, Molly & Paul) widow Sarah [Pettingell?] Stephen [Pettingell?] Anne [Pettingell?] Silas Rogers, wife & 4 Children (Richard, Silas, Jacob, Infant) Clarriss [Nulze?] Meriam Hunt & two Children (Polly & Eben) widow Richards Polly Coffin Stephen Coffin Hannah Coffin Jacob [Tuckins?] [Ms?] Caldwel's Child Benjamin Knecht, wife & Child Miner Knight Sally Beal Salomons Downs wife Joseph Bootman Margeret Bootman Hannah Jackman two of Ben Jackman's Children Dolly Jackman

Newburg [Dorf Jan'y?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by heidimarie
(seq. 20)
Needs Review

(seq. 20)

BMS MISCellaneous

[P?erson ??at ?] had the Small pox in Newbury 1793

21403 Bi

128 / 67 / 30 -----------195 30


E E E E E Newbury [Part?]

67 + 12 -----79 11 26 + 9 ------125 14 + 30 -------169

14 13 5

114 - 49 ------65

8 - 17 = 11.5 8 - 12 - 9 7 - 12 - 6.5 14 - 15 - 8 = 15 - . ----------------------------------8 - 17 - 10 8 = 11 11.5 7 = 11 - 9.5 15 - 14 6 14 - [13?] - 5 4 7 - 11.5 43 - 17 6 ------------------------------------88 - 0 - 5.5

12/ 17 - 4/14 12 ---------54 48 -----6

/ 134 / 11 / 12 ----14 12 -----2

12 / 186 / 15 12 ------66 10 -----6

[12?] / 192 / 16 12 / ------72

[M? ?]

Newbury [Part?]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by heidimarie
(seq. 15)
Needs Review

(seq. 15)

1793 The Town of Newbury to David Little [Dr?] for Sundra articles [?] at the Pest house by oder of the [?] of the hour

Oct 4 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?], pound of Sugar 7[?] [?] to Benjamin Jackman To 5 1/4[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 3/6 Jackman to 7[?] of rice [?] 3[?]-1/9 Cash 1/6 paid for Six Lemons 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] potatoes 5[?] [?] to Jaques 5 To 7-11[?] of bread [?] 1 1/2{?] 11[?]- 2[?] of flower bread 6[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] two [pies?] 8[?] Sauce 7[?] [?] to Jaques and Jackman 6 To one gallon of Milk 1/ one gallon of Cyder 6[?] 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] 7 To 4[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?]-2/4 Loaf of flower bread 6[?] 6 1/2[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?] 1/7 1/2 Cash 3/ paid for 2 quarts of Annis seed for Mrs Jackman 8 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] - 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 6 [plait?] pumpkin pies [?] 4[?]-2/ 4 3/4[?] brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 7[?]- 1 1/2[?] of flower bread 4 1/2 1 3/4[?] of Lamb 5[?] 1[?] of Coffee 1/ 1 pound of Candles 11[?] [?] to Jaques and Jackman 9 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] flower bread 4[?]-6 1/2[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2 9 1/2 Sauce 10[?] 10 To 8 1/2[?] of flower bread 2/1 1/2 2 quarts and pint of Milk 7 1/2[?] Vineger 5-2 1/2[?] pork 1/8 11 To 2 quarts of Milk 6[?]-10[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2 1/3 Cash 1/6 paid for Lemons 12 To 3[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?]- 1/9 1[?] of Candles 11[?]-8[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?] 2/ 2 quarts of Milk 6[?]-3[?] of dry [silk?] 9[?] - 3[?] flower bread [?] 3[?]-9[?] 13 To 3 1/2[?] of bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 5[?]-2 1/3[?] flower bread [?] 3[?]-7[?] 2-13[?] of pork [?] 8[?]-1/10 1/2 one gallon of Cyder 6 3 quarts of milk 9[?] Cabbage 4[?] Jacques and Jackman 14 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] 5/4[?] of flower bread [?] 3[?] 1/3 1/2 9-3[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2 1/2 Jaques 3 pints of vineger 7[?] Sauce 2[?] Jackman To one water pail [?] Mr Nolton 1/4 15 To 4 3/4[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 7[?] 2 quarts of Milk 6[?] 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/ 2 quarts 16 To 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] one gallon of Cyder 6[?]- Seven apple and pumpkin [?] 4[?] - 2/4 1/2 bushel of apples 1/ [?] to Jaques and Jackman 17 To 6[?] 11 of Lamb [?] 3[?]- 1/8 Jackman Cash 3/ paid for wine 3-6[?] of flower bread 10[?] - one Chickin 10[?] 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] - 1-2[?] of Candles 1 1/2 18 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 Jaques - 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] 5[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 3/4 Jaques and Jackman Cash 2/3 paid for Annis Seed Cabbage 4[?]- 4-5[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] 7[?] 1/2 peck of Meal 9[?] 19 To 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] Loaf of flower bread 6[?] Cash 1/9 1/2 paid for Lemons peck of potatoes 5[? - [?] to Jaques 20 To Chicken 10[?] 5 1/4[?] of bread [?] 1 1/2 [?] 3-5[?] of flower bread [?] 8[?]-10[?] - 3 quarts Milk 9[?] 21 To Cash 9/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] 4[?] of flower bread [?] 3 -1/ 1 1/2 peck of Apples 9[?] 1[?] of Candles 11[?] 2 glass bottles 9[?] 1 jug [?] one hand and 4 oxen 5 hours to hol wood 5/ 22 To 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] - 2 3/4[?] of flower bread [?] 3[?]-8[?]-4 apples pies [?] 4[?]- 1/4 -2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/-2/ - 2[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?]- 1/2 1/2 peck of Meal 9[?] 9[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] - 1/ 1 1/2[?] [?] to Jaques and widow Richards 23 To 7[?] 10 of Lamb [?] 3[?] 1/11 9[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] - 1/ 1 1/2 9[?] 0f flower bread [?] 9[?] 2/3 one gallon of Milk 1/ -3 peck of apples 1/6 one gallon of Cyder 6[?] 3 apple pies 1/ [?] to Jaques family and widow Richards 24 To one gallon of Milk 1/ 1[?] of Candles 11[?] - Cabbage 4[?] for Jaques and widow Richards Cash 3/ paid for 2 quarts of wine for widow Richards 25 To one gallon of Milk [?] peck of potatoes 5[?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/6 Vinegar 3[?] 5[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?] - 1/3 [?] Jaques and widow Richards 26 To a hors and Chaise move Sarah Goodwin and nurse to Thursley Farm To 1/4[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?] 3/6 - 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/ 2/ 3-6[?] of pork 8[?] - 2/3 -2 quarts of Mollasses 1 1/6 5-3[?] of bread [?] 1/3 - Cabbage 4[?] one gallon of Milk [?] 4-11[?] of Chaise [?] 9[?]- 3/6 Cash 6/3 paid for wine for widow Richards To a Chaise to Carry [Mrs?] [Noyes?] a Nurse to the pest house for [Mrs?] Richard 27 To 3 quarts of Milk 9[?] 11-13[?] of flower bread [?] 3[?]-3/ 1/2[?] of butter 6[?]-12[?] of brown bread [?] 1 1/2[?] - 1/6 one gallon of Milk 1/ [?] to Jaques and widow Richards 28 To Cash 6/ paid for gallon of wine for widow Richards

Last edit almost 4 years ago by SHoman
(seq. 13)
Needs Review

(seq. 13)

This account Continued from the Last Page and the foot brought forward which is 1794 Jan 23 To 11 1/4[?] of bread [?] 2[?] 1/10 12 biscuit 6[?] 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/2-2/4 one gallon of Cyder [?] 8[?] - Vinegar 4[?] 1 1/2[?] of Lard [?] 9[?] 1/1 1/2 tea 6 24 To 16 biscuit 8[?] 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 5 3/4[?] of beef and Mutton [?] 4 1/11 25 To 10[?] of bread [?] 9[?] 1/8 7 3/4[?] of Mutton [?] 3 1/2 2/3 one gallon of Cyder 8 Cash paid for 2 quarts of Oatmeal 1/6 8 biscuit 4[?] 26 To 6[?] of beef [?] 4[?] - 2/ 3[?]-6 of pork [?] 8[?]- 2/3 1[?] of Candles 11[?] 2[?] of coffee [?] 1/2 2/4-4[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] 2/4 Cash 1/6 paid for bottle of W. India rum 27 To one dozen biscuit 8[?] 4[?]-5 of bread [?] 2[?]-8[?] 1/2 Cash 12/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood hollin to the pest house Very bad Carting 28 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 1 gallon of Cyder 8[?] one peck of potatoes and beets 7[?] Cabbage 6[?] 10 3/4 1/9 1/2 29 To Cart hierd to Move Dolly [Taikman?] to the Pest house brought Mrs Dawns Mrs Hunt and her her two Children from the pest house and put them into widow Pettengills house 30 To 4-5[?] of pork [?] 8[?] 2/10 5-9[?] of beef [?] 4[?] 1/10 8-3[?] of Mutton [?] 3-2/ 1/2 10 1/2[?] of bread [?] 2[?]- 1/9 peck of potatoes 6[?] 8 biscuit 4[?] 3/4[?] of Candles 9[?] 2 quarts of Soap 8[?] 31 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 on pound of sugar 7[?] 1[?] of Coffee 1/2 Feb 1 To Cash 1/6 paid for 1 quart of [Mallaga?] wine for tea 1/ - 1 gallon of Cyder 8[?] 16 biscuit 8[?] 3[?] of fine Meal 6[?] 2[?] of Lard 1/6 5 1/2 of bread [?] 2[?]-11[?] 2 To 7[?] of Mutton 1/9 2-3[?] of [Saneagries?] [?] 8[?]- 1/5 1/2 10 3/4[?] of bread [?] 2[?]-1/9 1/2 3 To 4 1/2[?] of pork [?] 8[?]-3/ 8[?] of beef [?] 4[?]- 2/8 one gallon of Cyder 8[?] 1 1/2 of Candles [?] 11[?]-1/4 1/2 1/2 dozen biscuit 4[?] 4 To 2[?] of Coffee [?] 1/2 2/4 3[?] of sugar [?] 7[?]- 1/9 1/2[?] of Candles 5 1/2[?] To Cash 24/ to Mr Moody for wood Cash 25/ to Jenkins a Nurse

Last edit almost 4 years ago by SHoman
(seq. 12)
Needs Review

(seq. 12)

[?] Continued from the Last Page and the [foot?] brought forward which is 1793 Dec 29 To 8-[?] of Lamb [?] 3[?]- 2/1 1 3/4[?] of Lard 1/5 a quart of Mollasses 1/10 one hand of Coffee 1/2 4 biscuit 2 3 1/2[?] of fine Meal 6-[?][?] Mrs Hunt This day MovedThomas Somerly and my self Moved Joseph Bootman and Soloman [Darons?] wife to the pest have who ware broke out with the Small pox etra expence for Somerly and one hors and Slay hired [is?] 6/ 30 To 2 [?] of Sugar [?] [?] 7[?]- 1/2 4[?]-9 of pork [?] 8[?] one peck of pears and apples [?] 2[?] of [shauchong?] tea 9[?] biscuit [?] 1[?] of butter [?] on sheet 7/6 2[?] of Candles [?] 11[?]-1/10 2 quarts of oatmeal 10[?] one pillow case [?] one bed blanket and towel 10/4 31 To 1/2 bushel of potatoes [?] peck of beets and turnnups 9[?] Cabbage 8[?] 10[?] 8[?] bottle of westindia rum [?] for Bootman Mrs Dawns and Mrs Hunt 1794 Jan 1 To 4/6 Cash paid for 2 quarts of sherry wine Cost 1/6 paid for 6 Lemons Cash 1/6 for hour [?] for 1/3 tea 9[?] for biscuit 10[?] 1[?] of honey [?] for Joseph Bootman and Mrs Dawns 3[?] of coffee [?] 1/2-3/6 9 1/2 of Lamb [?] 3[?] 2/8 one blanket 12/ [?] 2/ for bootman 2 To peck of Apples 8[?] 3 To Cash 4/6 paid for a quarts of Sherry wine Bootman and Dawns one gallon of Cyder 8[?] - 3 pipes and tobacco 8[?] 4 1/2[?] of beef [?] 4-1/6 4[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] - 2/4 one pint of Musterd Seed 5[?] Cost 1/6 for bottle of W. In. rum 4 To 11[?] of bread [?] 2[?] - 1/10 1 dozen biscuit 8[?] 1[?] of honey [?] 3 cups and saucers 6 Close Line 1/4 Cloth 5 5 To 4 3/4 of beef [?] 4[?] - 1/7 Cash 4/6 paid for 2 quarts of Sherry wine for Bootman and Mrs Dawns 2[?] of Candles [?] 11[?] 1/10 6 To 2[?] of coffee [?] 1/2 - 2/4 1[?] of butter [?] 16 bisciut 8[?] one gallon of cyder 8[?] Cash 11/ paid paid for 1/2 cord of wood holling 5/ Cash 4/6 paid for 2 quarts Sherry wine for Joseph Bootman and Mrs Dawns 7 To 4-6 of Pork [?] 8[?] - 2/11 8 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 biscuit 6[?] - 1/4 [Sauchong?] 1/6 9 To 3[?] of sugar [?] 7[?] - 1/9 Cash 3/ paid for 1 3/4 quarts of W. India rum one gallon of Cyder 8- 10[?] of bread [?] 2[?] - 1/8 1/2[?] of honey 6-7[?] of beef [?] 4 10 To Cash 4/6 paid for 2 Sherry wine Cash paid for 2 quarts of oatmeal and 1[?] of honey 2/ and biscuit 10 Thread 1[?] Oatmeal 4 2[?] of Candles [?] 11- 1/10 1/2 bushel potatoes 1 Cabbage 4[?] Chicken [?] 11 To 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 8[?] of Mutton [?] 3-2/ 12 To - 16 biscuit 8[?] 13 To one gallon of Cyder 8[?] Cash paid for bottle of W. Indian rum Cash paid for 1/2 cord of wood 12/ one hand and 4 oxen 7 hours to hol wood to the pest house 14 To 3[?] of flower bread 9[?] 1/2 10 1/2 of Mutton [?] 3[?]-2/7 1/2 1 peck of pear and Apples [?] extra expence this day for Moving Hannah Jackman to pest house 2/ 15 To 10[?] of bread [?] 2[?]-1/8 3 3/3[?] of pork [?] 8[?]- 2/6 1/2 bushel of potatoes [?] one gallon of Cy -der 8 Cash 2/3 paid for 1 quart of Sherry wine 4 Cabbage [?] 16 To 6 3/4[?] of beef [?] 4- 2/3 16 biscuit 3[?] of coffee [?] 1/2- 3/6 wood and holling 4/6 17 To Cash 12/ paid for 1/2 Cord of wood holling to the pest house To 11[?] of Mutton [?] 3 1/2- 3/2 1/2 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 3[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] - 1/9 2[?] of Candles [?] 11-1/10 5 1/2[?] ofbread [?] 2-11 18 To Cash 3/ paid for 2 quarts of [Mallaga?] wine Six quarts of Soap 2/ 19 To quarts of Mollasses 1/10 Cabbage 9[?] 1/2 bushel of potatoes and beets [?] 7[?] of beef [?] 4 - 2/4 4[?] of pork [?] 8-2/8 10[?]-6 of bread [?] 2[?]-1/9 1 dozen biscuit 8 1 gallon Cyder 20 To 3 feet of wood 9/ holling 3/6 8[?] of Mutton [?] 3[?]-2/ quarts of Salt 3 this day Moved Peg Bootman to the pest house went with two horses and a double slay and brought Benamin Knights Family home 21 To 4[?] of Sugar [?] 7[?] 2/4 2 quarts of Mollasses 1/10 1 gallon of Cyder [?] 5 1/2[?] of bread 11[?] Cash 1/6 paid for 1 bottle of W. Indian rum [?] biscuit 8 22 To 1 peck of Meal 1/6 6 1/2[?] of fine [Meal?] 1/4 7[?] of rice 1/9 Cash paid for 3 pints of Sherry wine 3/4 1/2 for Peg Bootman for2[?] of oatmeal [?] for 9 lemons 1/1 1/2 for 1[?] of honey 10[?] 3 1/2[?] of pork [?] 8-2/4 7 1/2{?] of Mutton [?] 3- 1/10 1/2 1/2 bushel poatoes [?] peck of apples and piers 10 1/2 paid [Jack?] Hale for Chase to the pest house to bring [?] home

Last edit almost 4 years ago by SHoman
Displaying pages 1 - 10 of 167 in total