Diary of Jeremiah White Graves, Volume 2, Book 15



April 23, 1862 - May 3, 1862

April 23, 1862 - May 3, 1862

1862 april 23rd cleared of[f] cool, Bob & Smith scattering Manure in Lot. Henry & Little Henry finished halling rails around Corn field fence to day

24th Hired out Bob to allen Scruggs for $45. Beding Lot to day Jerry Smith Raking in new ground nobody hardly attended the sale of Mrs Hunts property I Did not sell it. Raining again this 25th day

24. not doing much as its raining – Plowed some to day Dr Perrow to again & I settled with him ¬– for myself – -

26th Raining this morning doing but little put up little fence in evening –

27 I went to Prayer meeting. my wife & Sallie gone to Mrs Colemans - cleared off to day cool¬

28th. Beginning to Plant Corn this morning.

29 Planting Corn on Branch in lower field claiborne halled 8 Loads wood to day – I went to Fannies & Catherines to day – gave Mr Mordecai Hagood $15 to buy Bale Cotton at FactoryLeaksvilleLeakvileville for me. 25 cents pr bale for trouble settle with him when he returns

30. Planting Corn some to day. Rained in evening – Listing some corn land To day bot & paid for Allen Scruggs Horse called Bell about 8 years old = May 1st. Raining & cloudy, opened Lugs this morning Raymond fainted or had a fit & they thought he was Dying, we rub him & he come to & this morning he is tolerable –

2nd. Took up Sweet & Irish Potatoes to day broke little second yrs ground by new ground & then Planted Corn till night, this has been a very pretty day. Cloudy this morning & then cleared of[f] Mr Dejarnett tools brot here by shields

3rd The Big spotted sow had 7 pigs about the 20 april 1862 by my Boar in pen Planting Corn from 12 oclock till night Sent Smith to Post office, sent 1 Bushel wheat to mill for me & sent Tate his [at?]

Last edit about 4 years ago by fransalman
May 4 1862 - May 11, 1862

May 4 1862 - May 11, 1862

1862 May 4th Little cloudy to day my wife & Sallie gone to Kates & Fannies

May 5th. Raining this morning doing but little, all in House, not ^much more than half done planting Corn, - Sent 10 Bushels Corn to Mill this morning for meal — Sent Henry to Mr Rolands to mend shoes & Saddle Bags Raining all the evening –

6th Cleared off this morning fencing & then coltering fresh ground piny old field, & clearing picking up trash next to Mrs W. in old field cleared, I went to Plantation this evening, Jorden complaining.

Mr Daniel Dejernett came here to day 12 Oclock to work on work Mr Wyatt left undone,

7th. Planting corn on creeks or branches coltering fresh ground fixing Pea Patch Cotton Patch & Planting a few greens, Claiborne Coltering in new ground next to Mrs Whiteheads Our White Sow has Come up with 6 pigs & the Black spotted 7 making 13 & the little white one in field has 2 making 15 Pigs. - -

8th. No Sale of property of Mrs Hunts to day on acct, of no bidders, - claiborne Harrowing corn Land on Creek Coltering in second yrs ground & laid off some to hill finished plowing Cotton ground plowing Irish Potatoes, & some in Garden Mr Dejarnett at ever since Tuesday 12 oclock -

9th. To day went to aspen Grove Planted Cotton water mellons simblings musmellons cucumbers Broom Corn seed etc. Bedding on Branch from yesterday 12 till to day 12. Sent Henry after saddle Bags & shoes at Tom Rolands etc etcIrish Potatoes worked out

10th Plowing on branchCreek bedding for corn nearly done except some wet spots. Claiborne went to mill this morning & the[n] Coltering in piny old field - to day

11th all went to meeting 1st time this year – Cool nights smoky weather —

Last edit over 2 years ago by Ben W. Brumfield
May 12, 1862 - June 3, 1862

May 12, 1862 - June 3, 1862

1862 May 12th. Fighting below Richmond Serious times in our Country - Jerry Sick at my Bro. Johns in Green County, Planting Corn on creek to day, sent Jerry Smith to Yates with Bill, to be shod, he shod him about a week ago & shoes off Mr Owen helping me planting Creek Corn Snaps Peas with 5 hands womanpumpkins etc etc I,ve been to Plantation to day, - finished on Creek Planting Mr Dejarnett Came again about 10 oclock

13th I started to Lynchg to see Jerry at My Bro. Johns sick; -

25th I have been gone till last night brot Jerry home found him very sick he has mended very fast. Our folks have planted new ground corn, & fenced on Creek & corn field rained a great deal, got some corn to plant yet on Branch, - Fannie & Kate here to day Mr Dejarnett has been here the past Two weeks & worked days

26th Fair this morning replanting Corn. I amgoing to Plantation Finished replanting Corn at house.

27 Henry went down to aspen Grove to shear sheep Brot up one to Kill. Plowing Corn 2. Hilling fresh ground

28. Coltering fresh ground & hilling little, in cornplowing

29th. Replanting Corn on Creek. etc etc.

30. Plowing & weeding Corn in Lot. finished hilling fresh ground on Road Planted Peas & Irish Potatoes Mrs Hunts funeral to day by Mr Plunket. Bedding Corn Land on branch, -

31st31st. Halled up stack oats & fodder Plowing & planting branch Corn to day –Sent Smith to Chalk Level after Papers etc.

June 1st Sunday I went to Prayer meeting at S S. MH – 2 Cutting off Hills & Planting Tobacco all day Planting in fresh ground above overseers House 3. gone after Tobacco Plants & Planting Beding etc to day. I am going to Plantation to day to see them

Last edit about 4 years ago by fransalman
June 4, 1862 - June 18, 1862

June 4, 1862 - June 18, 1862

1862 June 4th The wettest season I have ever seen in all my life. Raining night before last yesterday & Raining all night last night & yet raining this morning. Cant do any thing. What shall we do. The Lord only Knows what will become of us. Mr Dejarnett Came night before last began to work 3rd in morning Sent Smith to Millers Mill 2 Bus. wheat did not get it Had Phil Shoes changed a[t] Millers Shop yesterday

5th Malling & Cutting wood & Bushing Oats Cant Plow, Rained last night again, warm weather

6th. Planted Corn again next to Mrs Whitehead in new ground Planting Tobacco, this evening my my wife etc gone to Kates & Fannies. yesterday. cloudy yet.

7. Finished Planting tobacco here, Harrowed Peas worked in Garden some Jerry mending - Mr Dejarnett done & worked about 5 days this week

8 I was Sick to day & did not go to meeting

9. Holliday quite cool, cloudy weather & smokey Battle fought at Richmond 31 May & 1st June 1862 Battle fought at Williamsburg in May & Manasses 18th & 21st July 1861 - –

10th Raining a little planted some Greens Plowing a little in Irish Potatoes & Garden & in corn Rain stoped us from work sent Smith to Millers Millfor flour & Bill & Robin to shoe before

11 Plowing corn weeding & Harrowing Cotton Broom Corn sugar cane etc etc - to day Jerry & Sally came home from Fanneys.

12 Plowing corn & weeding. Sent to Mill 10 Bushels Corn for meal & brot it home this evening

13. Replanting corn this morning Plowing & weeding. I went to Fannies & Cates yesterday – little Henry Plowing on Creek this morning, clear weather

14th Plowing & weeding corn on branches at home Morris came hear & has worked since 11th June 1862. little Henry [?ding] Corn on Creek, dry & Hot all this time, -

15 I went Court. 16th Returned Rained last night. Plowing & weeding corn, 17th Plowing & weeding

17th Planted some greens etc

18 Plowing & weeding Corn on Creek to day – Finished - at home yesterday except w[?] sh[?ts]

Last edit about 4 years ago by fransalman
June 19, 1862 - July 5, 1862

June 19, 1862 - July 5, 1862

19th. Raining yesterday evening Replanting Tobacco this morning - & Corn in new ground - & then weeding on Creek – pretty weather at this time

20th Plowing & weeding Corn on Creek

21st Finished down there to day weeding Corn & began to Plow & weed Corn on branch.

22nd Went to strait stone prayer meeting few there.

23. Took down Our Lugs & second rate Tobacco this morning. weeding & Plowing Corn on branch dry & hot to day –

24 Finished weeding on branches & now in new ground chopping

25. going to Mill to day with wheat replanting Tobacco last evening & this morning. Pride Sick 24 weeding new ground Corn & replanting carried to Yates Mill 10 Bushels wheat from aspen Grove for flour gave Henry ½ Bus. & put 29 Bus in House down at aspen Grove, or 30 Bushels wheat

26 Finished Plowing new ground Corn choping it out Plowing & weeding or hilling up Cotton Broom corn sugar Kane etc fine weather at this time,

27th Plowing & working Cotton Corn & Sugar Kane this morning, expect to Cut Rye to day etc etc etc – Harrowed Some on Creek I sold a Bulk of Lugs & Second Rate Tobacco here, & all the Crop at plantation Doss made 1861, 1 Hhd prized to Thos Anderson for Southertin of Danville at 7$ for the seconds & Lugs here & $10 around at plantation pr Hundred cash to be pd when Delrd

28th. Cutting wheat on Creek, worked Peas some in the morning cloudy & like for Rain fine weather

29th Cloudy & like for Rain nannie gone to Mrs Colemans Jerrys is nearly well & wants to start & will start in a day or Two to his Company Capt R H Owens Company G 6th Regemt. Va Cavalry, dont where they are.

30 Finished Cutting wheat to day Chumbly & 3 hands came & helped us finish

July 1st. waggon starts to Lynchg with Tobacco. 2 Hhds Cothran made Jerry starts back to the Army this morning. 2 3 4 5. Come back from Lynchg Sold Tobacco very well, Laying by corn Hilled up I[rish] Potatoes weeding down Tobacco, I have be[en] 2 or 3 days getting hands for Government in 7th District as agent

Last edit about 4 years ago by fransalman
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