1835 Trustees Meeting Minutes, Volume 1, 1831.005.001

Proprietors and Trustees Records, Volume 1, April 21, 1835 - October 2, 1854


Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 031)

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 031)



of December, & that four weeks are indispensable to make up the Treasurers account & report. They therefore recommend that the annual meeting of the Proprietors be herafter held on the first Monday in February. Signed Geo. Bond.

Annual Meeting.

Voted. That in conformity to the above report the Byelaw fixing the time of the annual meeting be & it hereby is altered, & that the said meeting shall in future be holden on the first Monday in February instead of the 24th September.

Trustees Chosen--

Voted & chose ^ by ballot the following named persons as Trustees for the ensuing year. Messrs Joseph Story, Samuel Appleton, George Bond, Jacob Bigelow, Benjamin A. Gould, Charles Brown, Charles P. Curtis, Joseph P. Bradlee & James Read

Treasurers Report.

Voted. That the Trustees be requested to publish the report of the Treasurer in such newspapers as they shall think proper, accompanied with such remarks as to the objects, & state of the Corporation as shall seem to them expedient. Voted. That this meeting be now dissolved. Attest B. R. Curtis Secy. -

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 032)

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 032)



The Trustees of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn met at the house of George Bond Esq. in Boston on . Present Messrs Bigelow, Bond, Brown, Gould & Read. Dr. Bigelow was chosen chairman, the Pres. being absent. Voted. To proceed to choose by ballot a President, Treasurer & Secretary.


The Hon. Joseph Story was chosen President


George Bond Esq. was chosen Treasurer


Benjm R. Curtis was chosen Secretary

Comee on Garden etc

Voted. That Messrs Bigelow, Bradlee & Read be a commee to consider & report a plan for improving the ground formerly intended for a Garden, & also the Lawn on the Eastern side of Mount Auburn.

Commee on Lots

Voted. That Messrs Bond, Bigelow & Curtis be a Commee on laying out & distcontinuing Lots in the said cemetery with power to employ as many hands as they shall see fit -Attest B. R. Curtis Secy.-


The Trustees of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, met at the house of Dr. Bigelow on the Present Messrs Bigelow, Bond, Curtis, Gould & Read.

Dr. Bigelow was chosen chairman, the President being absent.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 033)

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 033)


Trustees to lay out new Lots. -

Voted. That the Commee on Lots be authorised to lay out such number of new Lots as they shall think fit, & to dispose of the choice of Lots by auction at such time as they shall think proper.

Planting Trees

Voted. That Messrs Gould, Bigelow & Read be a Commee to give instructions as to the laying out of the garden, & setting out trees on the border of the Lawn on the South side of the Cemetery.

Laying out Garden

The Comee chosen at the last meeting for that purpose, reported that they recommend that the garden be forthwith laid out into avenues & paths, with reference to the most economical appropriation of land for Lots hereafter. And this report was accepted.

Mass. Hor. So.

A communication from the Secy of the Mass. Hor. Society was then read to the Trustees by the Secretary. It related to the use of a part of their Library by the Pres. of the Cemy. Thereupon it was voted that the Secy return the thanks of the Trustees to the Mass. Hor. So. for their permission to use a part of their Library.


Voted. That the Treasurer be instructed to invest from five to four thousand dollars of the funds of the Corporation in some safe & profitable security.

Attest B. R. Curtis Sey.-

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 034)

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 034)



Pursuant to notice issued by the Secretary, the Trustees of the Pros of the Cemy of Mount Auburn met at the house of Mr Bond, the Treasurer, on Present Messrs Bond, Bradlee, Brown, Curtis, Gould, Read & Story.

Laying out Lots._

Voted. That hereafter, in laying out Lots, the Commee on Lots shall allow only such space between Lots contiguous to each other, as the Commee shall deem expedient, having references to the nature of the ground.

$750 to House of Supert

Voted. That the sum of seven hundred & fifty dollars be appropriated to build an addition to the House of the Superintendant, to be expended under the direction of Messrs Gould & Read.

The following votes were then passed with the preamble as here given.

Choice & Exchange of Lots.

Whereas it is found by experience that the laying out of single lots on the application of Proprietors, is not only troublesome & expensive but is highly detrimental to the interests of the Corporation from the unavoidable waste of ground which is thereby occasioned, therefore -

Lots when specially laid out.

Voted. That present Proprietors who shall not avail themselves of the privilege of having Lots especially laid out for them on payment of ten dollars, & with the approbation of the Commee on Lots, or on

Last edit over 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 035)

Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 035)



before the , shall be charged Twenty Dollars for that privilege;


& all who shall hereafter become Proprietors shall be charged the sum of Twenty Dollars for such privilege until the further order of this board.

Right of Choice.

Voted. That if the Comee on Lots shall not deem it expedient to offer the choice of Lots laid out during the present season, or which may hereafter be laid out, at auction, the sum of ten dollars shall be charged for the right of choice in the said new lots, till the further order of this board.

Exchange of Lots.

Voted. That in all exchanges of lots the amount then charged by the rules of the board for a choice, shall be paid by the Proprietor so exchanging, provided however that in no case shall such proprietor pay a less sum than ten dollars.

Voted. To adjourn sine die.

A true record

Attest B. R. Curtis Secretary-

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
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