Vel Phillips Papers (Correspondence, Box 6)



p. 16

p. 16

If he or you have the courage on a face to face basis to further discuss illegitimacy issue my former challange still holds. I'd just love to lock horns on the air with Mr. South or anybody else. Illegitimacy is absolutely indefensible, too, on a valid basis. Never mind the excuses or the "expedient exaggerations" or the "economics" baloney.

One more thing, when a white person called you up on the phone with the plaint that the Cook County jail was full of negroes you 'cutely' retorted: "We put them there" implying that we whites made criminals of the jailed negroes. Did they not have a choice Mr. Vogel? Come now, you know better than to make such a brainless assertion. Something has swayed you, Mr. Vogel, to be on their side. What was it, sir?

A guy with your brainpower should not allow himself to be swayed by such stupidity. This is a roaring shame. As the innocent victim of three vicious negro attacks I want to hear no asinine alibis at all for their barbaric behavior. But, of course, whenever we white citizens try to tell the truth about them, this is called "inflammatory." Their indecency, immorality, ignorance, and brutal crimes just don't seem to count anymore. They have brutally raped little white girls and big white grandmothers alike. Why? Because we white people made them do it the same as we "put them" in the county jail? Who, for instance, 'forced' the two thirteen year old Negro boys to rape "for Easter" a 9 year old white girl in our suburb (Shorewood)?

Never mind Chessman. He was a rotter all right but no more of a rotter than scores of negro rapists, who have not been editorialized, screamed or shouted about on the air.

However, you are not alone. You have lots of company. The Catholics, for instance, and others who get "situations" for defending and coddling the colored, from the "Christians and Jews."

Well, it's a great life if you don't weaken, pardner. They launder your psyche like nobody's business. They brainwash you with barrels of propaganda. Fight mental health, or for it and at the same time they let droves of screwballs prowl the streets bugging the life out of others and nothing is done about their nuttiness! They're only poor "misunderstood" people.

Morons are only "misunderstood" people. Swell. So let's all be moronic! Let's all go into the same basket. But, let's not rock the "race" boat regardless of any other factor. Fine, three cheers for the colored criminals! Let them rape our children, let them attack, abuse or injure innocent people like myself with impunity. All we have to do is to turn the other cheek for our black "brothers," eh? Would not that be "Christianlike?" Christians? Baloney!

The Rev. Mr. Pottie is my idea of a real Christian. He spoke sense, which, incidentally, was the very first time sense has ever been spoken on the subject.

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 1

p. 1

Milwaukee May 11 11 AM 1960 Wis.

Alderman Vel Phillips 2nd Ward Common Council City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 2

p. 2

1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin May 10, 1960

cc: Mrs. H. Wenzel, 2405 N. 25th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mis Grace Kelly, 2528 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Rev. David H. Pottie, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois cc: John C. Richling, Jr., Disabled American Veterans, Veterans Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. Frank Mazzoni (Milw. Journal Printer), 2220 S. Robinson, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Msgr Franklyn J. Kennedy, 793 N. Jackson Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dear Sir:

The black barbarians who had thrice attacked me did so simply because they had a blunt instrument for a brain. Too many of them have a blunt instrument for a brain. The buildings in which they live have got absolutely nothing to do with their brains. The best proof of this is the fact that in Chicago's congested Chinatown which is crowded from wall to wall there is no juvenile delinquency or crime. Chinese children are dolls not delinquents. Furthermore, we have yet to see a drunken Chinese man or woman on the street. However, we do see droves of drunken negro men and women on the street, particularly on Friday night, "pay day." We see wild and weird acting negro men and women on the street, shouting and screaming like wounded banshee. As I have stated in prior correspondence a law ought to be passed making it illegal to sell hard liquor to the Negroes. Wild to begin with the booze makes them wilder. If we are going to fight mental illness, then let's fight it in an intelligent and realistic manner. These unprovoked attacks on innocent people by the barbaric blacks are sheer madness, and that's all there is to it. The asinine excuses that have been advanced for their animalistic behavior made me ill. But, of course, whenever we tell the truth about them we are called "inflammatory." The fact that they abuse and "inflame" innocent people, makes no difference at all. If the people who are being defended, protected and coddled were decent but merely ignorant people, then I wouldn't say a word. Ignorance in itself could, of course, be tolerated. Indecency cannot be tolerated, and should not be tolerated. There has been too much talk about negro "rights" and not enough about negro "responsibilities." So far as "poor housing" is concerned you can put a pig in a palace and he will still be a pig. It is not going change him a bit. Whenever I see something that looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, I know it is a duck. I know it is not a pear or an apple. So why in the name of sweet reason do they make stupid excuses to cover up negro crime and delinquency, anyway? They have a silly excuse for all their evils. For black bastardy, for instance, they blame economics per se and a little thing like moral character, etc., has been completely discounted. Well, only a fathead would fall for that, you know. Yet, they have foisted it on a naive public who apparently can't think for themselves.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 3

p. 3

Without self-discipline we can have not true democracy. Alderman Vel Phillips ought to know that without being told. She ought to know, too, that obscenity in public and on others by her people is nowise related to "poor housing" or "density," but to lack of character and decency. Their language is positively piggish, particularly the nasty and nauseating sex term they use on the street and others implying incestuous realtions with one's mother. It exists so there is no use denying it. In fact, a negro minister, (Mr. Lovelace) now deceased had denounced it from the pulpit. He said this sort of language would shock the host of hell! It sure would. Let's see if their "leaders" can connect an excuse for their obscene language. Mrs. Phillips has a chance to do so and I'm calling on her to explain this obscenity implying relations with one's mother. Maybe it is due to daylight savings time!

Anyway, all attackers, instead of being merely fined, should be jailed. The attackers of Mr. Frank Mazzoni a legless printer for the Milwaukee Journal should have been sent to jail. All of these attackers have a blunt instrument for a brain. They're all unhinged and uncivilized.

Excuses, excuses, excuses! The blacks have raped little white girls, housewives and grandmothers. We are sick of the black goulash excuses. They are pure garbage.

Incidentally, the thing that happened to the legless printer at the Safety Building whose complaint was unreported by the cop there might have happened in Moscow but had no business to happen in Milwaukee. He got the same kind of dirty rotten deal from the police that we ourselve have oftentimes gotten from them. Never mind the "cukey" excuse or the "eyewash." The pringer and the three others obviously did not go together to the safety building to pay a social visit, but to make a complaint, which was not reported, and after catching up with the guilty copy, Chief Johnson right then and there should have fired him off the force for failure to do his sworn duty. If you ask me they ought to hang the "police code of ethics" on a wall and throw mud at it. It doesn't mean a thing. Look what negro detective Dewey Russ, too, got away with. This joker, too, had a blunt instrument for a brain when he had the crutst to file a false, malicious and misleading report on the Goodwill store incident and to discredit me the innocent victim. They're all bold and brazen, long on crust and short on brains. If I sound bitter, I have a right to sound bitter. This black idiocy has been carried a little bit too far, and, of course, the Catholic's have helped to carry it. The phony police report on the Goodwill store incident was not within the bounds of truth, reason or honesty. Consequently, I hold in contempt both Russ and all those who have condoned his cowardly un-Christian act. It was yellow and low and ignorant.

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wis. P.S. The excuse of the non-reporting cop in the case of the Journal Printer was the most witless I have ever heard. How could his superiors entertain such a stupid excuse? FE

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 4

p. 4

1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

May 12, 1960

cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Rev. David H. Pottie, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois cc: Msgr. Franklyn J. Kennedy, Catholic Herald Citizen, 793 N. Jackson Street, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Hon. James O. Eastland, United States Senator, Washington, D.C. Frank Evans, C-425,I76

Honorable Hubert H. Humphrey, United States Senator, Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

I honestly believe that it hurts some people including some of our policemen, in the head, to think, for they just can't be penetrated. For instance, while we were being harassed, tormented and called nasty sex names nightly (implying incestuous relations with one's mother!) by two Negro youngsters, male and female, by the name of John Pharr and Rose Means, the unthinking cops instead of getting after them, foosishly asked us the reason why they were doing it. Well, the easiest way to answer that silly question would be to say that since we didn't think with their heads, how in the name of sweet reason could we know their moronic motivations? Besides, as far as getting police protection was concerned, what difference did it make why they were picking on us night after night for nothing?

Do we innocent victims have to be psychologists, psychiatrists or mind readers before the police will protect us? Instead of asking us the two innocent victims about their motivations why did not the cops question the two culprits and ask them the reason why they were doing it. Besides, since when do the black bums need any reason for doing the many brainless things they do? Since when do they need a motive for their unprovoked and reasonless attacks and other criminal activities? Well, I sure admire, too, the "death" of thinking that is being practiced here by some of our policemen. So far as the negro attackers and other wrong doers are concerned, they, of course, do these things to innocent people because they are wild, weird and wicked people, without a conscience, and have a blunt instrument for a brain. They are so indecent and immoral and ignorant that they can't see straight. Sexwise they have absolutely no shame. For instance, the Pharr idiot while passing by our place, with Rose means, also had made obscene gestures at me and my sick wife by placing his hand on his privates! This, of course, made the both of us ill and nauseated. Afer all the incestuous term was a sickening and nauseating thing you know. I'm certain you wouldn't want Mrs. Humphrey or any of your children to hear it. Anyway, it does exist. There is a great deal of it here. And there is no use denying it. So far as poor housing is concerned as an excuse you can put a pig in a palace and he still will be a pig.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
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