Vel Phillips Papers (Correspondence, Box 6)



p. 14

p. 14

Today, of course, whenever a "big wheel" says something absurd or asinine such as the "hot weather" alibi and you don't subscribe to the stupidity and ask for an answer the "authorities" call it an "attack", of course. Anybody with a whiff of intelligence knows that the "hot weather" stuff was stupid and wronghead or that the weather hot, cold or medium has got nothing to do with Negro delinquency and crime.

However, today stupidity is admired and intelligence is sneared at.

Incidentally, what we need for our next president is not a good Democrat or a good Republican...but a good American.

Now, then, the dimwitted demonstrations, the so-called "sit down strike" obviously was a prearranged and put up job to stir up strife during the civil rights debate. It certainly was no mere coincidence. The NAACP incited it, and then asked President Eisenhower to intervene, or to become their "patsy" but Ike was too smart to fall for their stupid scheme. The negro press, meanwhile, has once again pinpointed Little Rock in screaming headlines and stated that Little Rock has been "shaken" by the sit-down-strike. The simplest way to settle this is for the NAACP and the other so-called "leaders" is to call a halt to these strikes. It is up to them not up to the Federal government. What are they after, anyway; do they want the troops back in Little Rock?

The three vicious negro attacks will be long remembered. Little did I dream a few short years ago that someday I would be slapped around by stupid blacks and have my sick and suffering body battered by these barbarians.

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

P.S. If the professed champions of human rights for all are sincere and straightforward then how come they're silent about the many flagrant violations of my human rights by Negroes? Suggest for one you ask Senator Humphrey. FE

cc: Monsignor Franklyn J. Kennedy, Catholic Harold Citizen, 793 N. Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wis.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 15

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1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

March 21, 1960

cc: Hon. Hubert H. Humphrey, United States Senator, Washington, D.C. cc: Alice M. Burns, 3176 S. 99th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Hon. Jon McClellen & Richard Russell, United States Senators, Washington, D.C. cc: Mr. Wesley South c/o Chicago American, Chicago, Illinois cc: Veterans Administrator, Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C.

Mr. Lee Vogel, c/o National Broadcasting Company, Chicago, Illinois

Dear Sir:

Speaking of "convenient crutches," why they certainly are being used in great profusion as a "cover-up" for a multitude of negro sins. They plead poverty, poor housing and "prejudice", etc., for practically all of their wrongdoings and seldom if ever weigh anything wisely pertaining to the terrible crime situation, which, of course, you yourself had described as being "petty" there in Chicago. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I challenge you to quote facts and figures on the air to support your assertion. Many of these crimes, of course, are "major crimes" and you know it. All of these matters on your "show" have been discussed unfairly, unwisely and unintelligently, including the unwed mother situation. For instance, Mr. Wesley South, a negro, who was supposed on your "show" to tell the public just exactly what accounted for the fact that in Chicago 89% of ADC recipients are negroes evaded the issue and instead talked about the white women from "middle class" families, who are sent away to have their babies where they are given out for adoption, and that consequently we do not hear about these cases. He did not say a single, solitary word as to the reason why the negro unwed mothers greatly outnumber the white unwed mothers, you know. However, granting for the sake of argument that so far as adoptions of the white illegitimate children is concerned, he was correct, why the adopted off-spring certainly do not have to be supported by the taxpayers. Unlike the negro children they are not public charges. Whoever adopts these children have to feed and clothe them, of course. Mr. South evaded the main issue or else he was too "subtle" for a stupid slob like myself to understand him. The question at hand was: Why are the vast majority of the ADC recipients negroes, that is, 89% of them, in Chicago? A plea of poverty may be an excuse but it definitely is no reason. Did Mr. South seriously mean to imply that negro women get themselves pregnant simply because they are poverty stricken? Is that what he was suggesting? If that is so then why are not the women in many other nations following suit? I'll tell you why; because in no other nation would the public stand for it. Name me another nation where there is a billion dollar yearly ADC program or where thousands of unwed tramps are supported or subsidized by the state or federal governments at the expense of the taxpayers.

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p. 16

p. 16

Well, to make a long story short whenever such widespread immorality is inexplicable, whenever there is no sane or logical excuse for it, then they invent one, however stupid or asinine. Widows for a great many years to had to support their fatherless children...nobody gave them even a thin dime...did they Mr. Vogel? As a matter of fact, some of these widows took in support their brood. Well, who in the hell worried about these decent and respectable women or cared whether their children went to bed hungry? The thing that also "bugs" me is the fact that my own deceased parents who had suffered untold privation...had received from Uncle the dependant parents of a deceased veteran the princely sum of $15.00 per month each...which was their sole income! Needless to say, unlike the negroes, they had lived in "palaces" and were not at all effected by "poor housing." Well, more often than not they had been evicted for non-payment of the rent for the "hovels" they had been living in when they were alive. So, my "piles bleed" for the "poorly housed" negroes.

Anyway, although a married man, I had helped my parents until the day they died out of my own disability compensation checks, otherwise they literally would have starved to death on $30.00 monthly. Both were sick and aged people to boot. I happen to know all about reel hardship, privation and suffering...and I don't mean the self-made kind.

Don't tell me that any woman who has from 2 to 12 illegitimate children...does not know what she is doing...or that she is not doing it for the dough. I'm not quite that damn dumb. For instance, we happen to know one unwed mother...whose daughter is also and unwed mother...and both mother and daughter are collecting ADC checks! Well, how are these tramps contributing to the betterment of their community and their being a couple of relief chislers? Of what earthly use are they to us? Besides being burdens...what good are they? What is their function in life...their produce more morons like themselves like the unwed mother whose daughter is an unwed mother, too?

What does your "sweet reason" tell you about that sort of thing, Mr. Vogel; is that compatible with common sense? Anyway, Mr. South has yet to account for the reason why the negro unwed mothers...greatly outnumber the whites...or about II to I!!! Speak up Mr. South!

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

P.S. As heretofore stated words cannot adequately express how heartsick I'm feeling over the three wicked, wanton, wild and wholly unwarranted attacks that have been made on my sick and suffering a totally disabled these untaped and undisciplined the phony police report that had been made on one of those three attacks by negro detective Dewey Russ concerning which no action whatever to right the wrong has been taken by anybody...including the professed "champions of human rights for all." FE

cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 17

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Resale Shop, 1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

March 30, 1960

cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Mr. Lee Vogel, Nat'l. Broadcasting Co., Chicago, Illinois cc: Hons. Richard Russell & John McClellan, United States Senators, Washington, D.C. cc: Hon. Hubert H. Humphrey, United States Senator, Washington, D.C. cc: Mr. Richard H. Nelson, W209,N709d Fillmore Dr., Menomonee Falls, Wis.

John C. Richling, Jr., Disabled American Veterans, Veterans Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dear Sir:

If you have not already done so, then I would suggest that you read a story in yesterday's "Green Sheet" of the Milwaukee Journal, captioned "No Juvenile Delinquency in Chicago's Chinatown," and ask yourself just why we have so much negro juvenile delinquency and crime in every big city in the country. According to this story it's a matter of family honor and pride to behave. And they do.

The so-called negro leaders, of course, had also complained of "density" as an excuse for negro delinquency and crime in this city. However, according to this story (which is accurate for I ahve seen the housing conditions in Chicago's Chinatown with my own eyes) Chinatown centering around 22nd St., and Wentworth Ave., on the south side, is five blocks long and two blocks wide. It is crowded, wall to wall, with two and three story business buildings and apartment houses. The population of about 2,500 includes an estimated 800 children of teen ages and younger. The congestion leaves little room for off street recreation for kids.

Well, it has been my contention right along that density (except the kind that lies between the ears) has got nothing to do with delinquency and crime and, of course, the Chicago Chinatown story bears me out on this particular score, too. The poor housing, density of the negroes juvenile and adult alike are merely "convenient crutches." They have a stupid excuse for every evil including illegitimacy. It according to them is due to "economics," per se. They conveniently discount such unimportant little things as character, loose marals, etc. Yes, indeed they have 'invented' a whole string of stupid and 'ecstatic' excuses as a 'coverup' for delinquency, crime, and bastardy. 89% of the ADC recipients in Chicago are colored. They 'excel' in that 'field', too. Whenever it comes to evil they're pretty well educated...but for good they have no knowledge. On the other hand, orientals who are even in an extremely smaller minority are wonderful people. How come? The blacks, as you know, have thrice attacked me, for nothing. Why because they are living under crowded conditions...or because they are WILD and uncivilized? The answer, of course, is quite obvious. None of their excuses are rational or reasonable; none of them are valid.

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p. 18

p. 18

The truth of the matter is that they have many bad traits which includes a very casual (alley cat) code of morals and this not "economics" is the real reason for illegitimacy, too. There is, after all, but one excuse for adultery and fornication, you know. It is plain lewdness and lack of character and decency. These unwed mothers with from 2 to 12 illegitimate kids...are nothing but tramps or the scum of the earth. They do not have one "by-blow" after another innocently or inadvertantly, you know, but have them for the money that's in it and the federal government should do something at once about the "black baby" business, which is 'milking' the taxpayers to the tune of a billion dollars a year! In fact, it is Uncle Sam's largest nondefense spending...with the lion's share going to the Negroes! These tramps are collecting a "bounty" for each new "by-blow" from Uncle Sam. Know of an easier way to get money, Comrade?

At the same time very little or nothing has been done for the aged! The unwed tramps come ahead of our old folks...for committing fornication and adultery...and if you can think of anything crazier than that, why please let me know and I'll entertain it.

Then, too, as I previously have pointed out many disabled veterans have been disallowed compensation...on the ground that their ailment was due to their "own willful misconduct." But, of course, fornication and adultery do not constitute "own willful misconduct," eh?

Anyway, we definitely are not supporting Senator Humphrey for President or Mrs. Vel Phillips the incumbent for Alderman of our ward. Mrs. Phillips has never done anything for us or shown any interest whatever in the three attacks that have ben made by her people on my sick and suffering a totally disabled veteran.

Just one more thing. The negro has no sense of shame. No regard for the truth. He can lie to or lie about you and afterwards look in your face without the slightest embarrasment. We wish we were living in Chinatown...or that we could go over to China and live for a change among civilized people. The "experts" on the race problem who do not live among the Negroes no more than I know about living on Mars...for I have never been up there. Talk is cheap. Why don't any of these hypocrites have negro neighbors and learn first hand how "nice" they are?

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

cc: Mr. Carl Hansen, 4103 S. Austin, Milwaukee, Wis. cc: Miss Grace Kelly, 2534 N. Prospect, Milwaukee, Wis.

P.S. Why don't the Chinese people booze and brawl, beat up people, rob and rape, shoot and stab like a sizable segment of the negroes do? Got any intelligent answers? Their skin, too, is dark. So who cares about that so long as their character is "undark" and pure? FE

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
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