Vel Phillips Papers (Correspondence, Box 6)



p. 6

p. 6

1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: John C. Richling, Jr., Disabled American Veterans, Veterans Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., 8885 V Street, NE, Washington, D.C. cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Pon, 3766 N. 40th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Mr. Lee Vogel, "Night Line", National Broadcasting Co., Chicago, Illinois

Dear Sir:

Whenever a white person has contacted you on the phone and their coversation pertained to the Negro crime situation which in Chicago at present is so serious that even a negro newspaper (Chicago Courier) had recently seen fit to editorialize it, why you either cut off abruptly the white caller or else asked: "All of them?" No, of course not all of them; but any is too many. There is no place in American life for any barbarics. While it is perfectly true that it does not involve all of them, the fact remains that it does involve a sizable segment, which, of course, has been proven quite conclusively by the statistics on Negro crime, juvenile delinquency and illegitimacy. We all know, for instance, that there is a very high incidence of illegitimacy, particularly in Chicago where 89% of ADC goes to the negroes. This is an outrage, and you know it is. In fact, it verges on insanity. How else could you explain so much immorality? Never mind the rationalizations or the ridiculous excuses such as "economics," which is strictly for the birds. I'm talking about valid reasons, rational reasons for this shameful and sordid situation which is now costing the taxpayers a billion dollars per year and represents our biggest non-defence spending! The taxpayers are being played for suckers, the world's biggets suckers when it comes to subsidizing thousands of good-for-nothing tramps. Pretty soon Uncle Sam will be paying pensions to destitute prostitutes! Well, there would be very little, if any, difference. Anyway, these unwed mothers certainly do have a choice. None of them are forced to commit fornication or adultery. Mr. Wesley South, the Negro man whom you interviewed a little time ago, on the air about illegitimacy, just didn't know what he was talking about. But, of course, his was a one sided viewpoint and no one was given a chance to contradict it on the basic of "equal time" with you on the air. It was a selfish and self-serving point of view presented by one side, namely the negro side. I had heretofore challenged and still challenge Mr. Wesley South to go on the air with him, that is, if he and you have the courage of your convictions. Mr. South, of course, thoroughly discounted such trifles as moral character, etc., and evaded the basic issue for illegitimacy. Furthermore, you did not frown on it. How come?

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 7

p. 7

Anyway, how do you and Mr. South account for the fact that the Chinese people, unlike the colored people, have none of these problems? How come there is no juvenile delinquency in Chicago's Chinatown...which is "crowded from wall to wall?"

How do you explain the big, the exceedingly big contrast between Chinese and negro behavior per se? I think you'll be pretty hard put for a suitable answer and I don't mean a stupid one, the kind that is being used for a multitude of Negro sins.

Now, then, let's take the bit about negroes biting policemen while resisting arrest; is not this an inhuman if not insane act, too? Of course, it is. It is both inhuman and insane and if in a mental institution one inmate hit another inmate why the biter would be put in a padded cell! However, the colored cop biters, too, are coddled. In court, they are given "cream puff" treatment or a mere slap on the wrist.

As a victim of three vicious negro atacks I'm interested in none of their asinine alibis for barbaric behavior that verges on insanity, and which is indefensible. I have yet to see my first drunken Chnese man or woman but I do see daily drunken droves of negro men and women. I have yet to see or hear of any boozing or brawling on the part of the Chinese population. Any answers?

Anyway, on the air you have been unfair, unreasonable and strictly one-sided, so far as white citizens who called you up on the phone are concerned. Apparently you don't care to hear or talk about negro crime or anything else pertaining to the negroes which might reflect unfavorably on their race. How come?

Very truly yours, Frank Evans

cc: Alice M. Burns, 3176 S. 99th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin

P.S. One local negro here had raped 13 women! Many of them are lewd and loud and lousy bums who booze and brawl, beat up others, shoot and stab, etc. No Chinaman locally has ever been guilty of such things even in one instance! FE

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 8

p. 8

P.S. These terrible rapes of our white children and women are the fruits of integration! No wonder the Rev. Pottie is strongly against the integration in Evanston, Ill.

1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Pon, 3766 W. 40th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Alderman Vel R. Phillips, Att: Full Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. Lee Vogel, "Night Line", Nat'l. Broadcasting Company, Chicago, Illinois cc: Rev. David H. Pettie, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois

Frank Evans, C-425,176

J.P. Cullen, Manager Veterans Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Dear Sir:

I don't want to jump at conclusions but inasmuch as I still have the diarrhea that had started several months ago, almost daily, I'm afraid I might have cancer. This conditio, as I previously had informed you was triggered by the three tension-laden attacks on my person by the negroes which have had a deleterious effect on my entire system. The tension had been terrific and put butterflies into my bloodstream. My stomach had been constantly upset by the negroes who for a long time had been calling me and my sick wife nasty sex names, implying incestuous relations with one's mother, and tormenting us nightly without letup, during which time we received absolutely no police protection. The persistent purging or looseness of my bowels was caused by the negroes. The John Pharr and Rose Means gang , prior to their arrest for slashing clothing with a razor at six stores with a razor, had picked on us night after night, for nothing. After their arrest for cutting up the clothing at the six stores, they had told the police this demented deed was done to "amuse themselves! The Pharr character besides helping the Means woman to harass us every night, had also made obscene gestures at us by placing his hands on his privates! Both he and the Means woman were preoccupied with sex. And now, out in Shorewood, for Easter, two negro boys raped a 9 1/2 year old white girl! Here in the city a gang of five negro monsters beat up a white man and slashed his girl companion with a razor. We are waiting to see whether the local press is going to editiorialize this black brutality in its own backyard as it does whenever a negro has been abused or mistreated by the whites and the Milwaukee Journal calls the whites "cowards." The Journal has never called any of these colored culprits "cowards." How come? How come the Journal never gives them a write-up and only gives it to the cowards in the world than the blacks when they're even capable of raping a 9 1/2 year old "baby." What could be more cowardly than that? Nothing, of course. They're the ones who are yellow. And even the young ones are sex crazy.

Very truly yours Frank Evans

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 9

p. 9

P.S. How do you account for the big and amazing contrast between negro and Chinese conduct and behavior? Suggest you ask your pal, Mr. South. He and his big mouth!

Resale shop, 1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

April 21, 1960

cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Pon, 3766 N. 40th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Alderman Vel Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Rev. David H. Pettie, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois cc: J.P. Cullen, Manager Veterans Administraton, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Editor, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois

Mr. Lee Vogel, "Night Line" NBC, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:

The two negro boys who for Easter had raped the 9 1/2 year old white girl have, thank God, been caught. These two rapists who confessed to police are only 13-years old! The crime took place out in Shorewood, a suburb of Milwaukee. It was a nice Easter present for the child and its parents! Anyway, we are wondering whether the negro "leaders" are going, as usual, to try to relate the rape to "poor housing" or to some other equally stupid excuse. We are wondering whether poor housing can give the negroes a sex urge, too. What is your own opinion, Mr. Vogel? Or, do you first have to take it up with Mr. Wesley South the Negro whom you had on the air with you a few weeks ago and whom you allowed to express a one sided viewpoint on the illegitimacy problem. Both sides of the issue was not and never has been presented on your program. Why not? Would you call this sort of thing fair or impartial or unbiased? Mr. South, as you know, had blamed "economics" per se for the unwed mother situation. This was an excuse for it but as anyone short of an idiot knows, it certainly was no valid reason for the high incidence of negro illegitimacy, nor for the staggering sum that is being expended for it yearly at the expense of the already overburdened taxpayers. Mr. South didn't know what he was talking about. And I'd like to lock horns with him on the air. Poor people have no time or inclination to be preoccupied with sex. Not when they actually have an empty stomach, brother. Then they think about food. These unwed mothers are nothing but plain, ordinary tramps. There is no valid excuse or reason for their worish activities. Thousands of poor widows have to go to work to support their children, do they not Mr. Vogel? Mr. South's stupid remarks about negro illegitimacy incensed me more than I can say. All these Amos and Andy excuses are getting to be just a little bit tiresome. Too, they are tastefully bad. Tramps are tramps. And the taxpayers should not be forced to support them. These lousy tramps are actually being treated far better than us disabled veterans, in many cases. It is sheer insanity on the part of Uncle Sam. For instance, the VA whenever it is asked for a little medical treatment, acts like it is doing us a huge favor. Right now, I have good reason to suspect that I have got cancer of the bowels or of the colon. Well, who cares about that? Nobody. For all they care I can sit and rot. Too, I have calcium deposits in the chest from a former tuberculosis, plust constant pain in the back, blinding sinus headaches, etc.

Go and dunk your dome in the lake. Yours truly Frank Evans

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
p. 10

p. 10

V.P.: What's the Pharr character doing back on this street - getting set to start tormenting us again? F.E.

Resale Shop, 1866 North 12th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

April 21, 1960

cc: Mrs. I.Q. Griggs, Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Ald. Vel R. Phillips, Common Council, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Editor, Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois cc: J.P. Cullen, Manager Veterans Administration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin cc: Rev. David N. Pottie, Minister Second Presbyterian Church, Evanston, Illinois

Mr. Lee Vogel, "Night Line", National Broadcasting Co., Chicago, Illinois

Dear Sir:

Last night, on the air, you took to task the Rev. Mr. Pottie, for what you had called "an attack on the Jews and on religion." I know only what I have read in a single copy of the Chicago Tribune about the matter. What I read certainly did not constitute an attack on the Jews and on religion. In fact, the Rev. Mr. Pottie had been quoted as saying that he loved his Jewish brothers...but that some of them were loud about their wealth. So far as religion is concerned, he was quoted as saying that one would think it was a crime to talk about the church of Rome, or words to that effect. I personally have nothing against the Jews, as a whole, either. In fact, my best buddy while I was in the navy as a 14-year old boy, had been a Jewish lad by the name of Louie Cohen, whom I loved like a brother. I loved him partly because although he, too, was only a kid, he had plenty on the ball. We were both "Electrician Strikers" on a battleship. We both had gone through the boot camp together at Great Lakes. We in short had a lot in common. I don't care what a guy is if he has character and common sense. Now, then, is that clear, Mr. Vogel? I personally am against integration not because of race or color but because of lack of character, decency and intelligence. Too many of these people are entirely devoid of these qualities. This is based not on hearsaybut on personal observation and experience. Now, then, the Jews and the Catholics do defend these people, even when they don't deserve to be defended and should instead be very highly deplored and that's what I'm driving at. Why you yourself have been doing it, Mr. Vogel. For instance, you had described the Negro crime situation in Chicago. What's more these crimes were "major" crimes, as mayhem and murder, etc. Then, when a white person called you on the phone and reminded you the county jail was full of "colored customers", you 'cutely' retorted: "Who put them there. We did!" What did you mean "we", Mr. Vogel? I'm afraid you put yourself on a 'spot' Mr. Vogel, which is going to be rather difficult to talk yourself out of. I give you full credit for being a mighty fine talker, Mr. Vogel. You are real glib. There is no question about that, sir. I have nothing against you either, except that you, too, have gone completely overboard so far as the "minority group" is concerned. Please be fair and frank, Mr. Vogel.

Last edit 10 months ago by lutholtz
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