1854 Trustees Meeting Minutes, Volume 2, 1831.005.002



Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 256)

Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 256)


Trustees _

The monthly meeting of the Trustees was held at the usual place on

There were present the President, Messrs Cheever, Curtis, Little, Nazro and Read.

The record of the last meeting was read.

Mr Curtis declines appointment on Comee to confer with Hort. Socy

Mr Curtis, on account of his absence from town during the summer months, and his present indisposition, declined to accept a place on the Committee to confer with the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.

Upon nomination by the President, Mr Cheever was chosen in his stead.

Supts Departt Mode of receiving & disbursing moneys _

The report of the Finance Committee in relation to the mode of receiving and disbursing moneys in the Superintendent's department, which was laid upon the table at the last meeting, was called up and discussed; and, upon motion by Mr Read, the same was accepted, and after the following amendment – by adding the words "provided that nothing herein contained shall be understood as conflicting with the provisions of any existing by-law" – the vote recommended by the report was adopted – and is as follows: _

All sums above $100. to be paid Treasr

"That all sums due the Corporation of one hundred dollars and upwards shall be paid to the Treasurer; and that all bills of like

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 257)

Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 257)


[Supts Departt Mode of receiving & disbursing moneys _] and by Treasr Bills for labor to be approved by Propr or Comee on Lots -

amount shall be paid by him; and that all bills of like amount shall be paid by him; and that all bills except those for labor shall be approved either by the proprietor for whom the work is done, or by the Committee on Lots; provided that nothing herein contained shall be understood as conflicting with the provisions of any existing by-law."

No paid Servant of Corporation to be interested in any work or material in and for Cemetery –

It was further voted, upon motion by Mr Curtis, and in accordance with the recommendation of the said report,

"That neither the Superintendent, Gate Keeper, nor any other paid servant of the Corporation, shall have any interest whatever in any work at or materials furnished for the Cemetery."

The Committee on Grounds to which was referred, at the last meeting, the subject of puchasing a piece of land westerly of and adjoining the Stone farm, reported through Dr Bigelow, chairman,

===Comee on Grounds report against purchase of land of D. Stone-===

That the Committee had examined the premises, and found that the purchase of a piece of land from Mr Stone would not tend to straighten the westerly line, as a piece of meadow or pond makes a sharp angle with the Stone land, and would therefore separate this from direct connection with the present cemetery. They therefore reported that it was inexpedient to purchase the same. ~

The report was adopted. _

Last edit 3 months ago by gbenoit
Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 258)

Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 258)


Lightning rods _ subject tabled _

A communication from Mr J. Galbraith proposing to put lightning conductors upon the Superintendent's house, and the farm buildings, at certain prices named by him, was read, and the same was laid upon the table.

Lot 458

Upon the petition of the daughters and heirs at law of George Winslow late proprietor of lot no. 458, Elizabeth Winslow^of South Malden, widow of said George, was designated to represent said lot.

The meeting was then adjourned. Attest Austin J. Coolidge Secretary.



The regular meeting of the Trustees was held at the usual place on _

There were present Messrs Andrews, Cheever, Gould, Nazro and Sleeper.

Chairman pro tem.

The President being absent.

Voted, that Mr Gould be requested to occupy the chair.

The record of the last meeting was read.

Cambridge Tax Bill referred to Messrs Curtis & Bangs _

Mr Bond, the Treasurer, stated that he had received from the City of Cambridge a tax bill upon the Superintendent's house for the year 1857, and asked advice of the Trustees, it being the first he had received thereupon.

Voted that it be referred to Messrs Curtis and Bangs.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 259)

Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 259)


Land on Hill-sides _

Mr Cheever stated that it was desirable to induce the purchase by individuals of lots on the side-hills for catacomb tombs, there being a good deal of land in the cemetery suitable for that purpose only, and suggested that the charge of fifty dollars extra upon a lot of three hundred square feet for the privilege of constructing a tomb therein operated as a bar to the ready sale of such lots.

Motion to charge same as for other Lots –

He, therefore _ for the sake of bringing the matter before the Trustees at the next meeting _

Moved that lots for catacomb tombs on the hillsides, in such places as the Committee on Lots shall approve, shall be sold at the same price as other lots in the Cemetery are now sold - viz. fifty cents per square foot: ~ and that that motion be upon the table till the next meeting.

Laid on table till next meeting.

The meeting was then adjourned. Attest Austin J. Coolidge,, Secretary.


Trustees .

The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held on at the usual place.

Present _ the President, Messrs Cheever, Gould, Nazro, Read and Sleeper.

Motion relative to price of tomb lots in hill-sides called up _

The record of the last meeting was read.

The motion made at the last meeting, and laid upon the table until this meeting, was stated to be in order _ viz.

That lots for catacomb tombs on the hill-sides, in such places as the Committee on Lots shall approve, shall be sold at the same price as other lots in the Cemetery are now sold – viz – fifty cents per square

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 260)

Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 260)


foot. _

Amendt _ for _ Price of Tomb Lots in Hill-sides

Mr Read moved the following be substituted as an amendment thereto.

"That lots for tombs on the hill-sides, in such places as the Committee on Lots shall approve, may be sold at fifty cents per square foot, on the purchasers binding themselves to erect no tomb or repository which shall not be made air tight, to the satisfaction of the Committee on Lots."

Adopted _

And the same was adopted. _

Land on South & West sides of Consecration Dell not to be sold _

The following was then moved by Mr Gould and was adopted. _

That the sloping grounds on the southern and western sides of Consecration Dell be withheld from sale, till further ordered by the Trustees.

Communicaton of Supt as to price for purpetl care of small lots - referred to Comee on Lots _

A communication was received from the Superintendent inquiring whether there ought not to be a provision for the perpetual care of small lots for a less sum than three hundred dollars, as now required by the by-laws.

Also whether the present price for depositing bodies in the Receiving Tomb is sufficient to meet cases where the deposit money is forfeited and the bodies have to be removed to some part of the grounds at the expense of the Corporation. _

As to price of Receiving Tomb deposit _ referred to Comee on. Rules & Regulations of intermt _

Voted to refer the inquiry as to the sum for perpetual care of small lots to the Committee on Lots; and that relation to the price for deposit in the Receiving Tomb to the Committee on Rules and Regulations of Interments. _ Adjourned _ Attest A.J. Coolidge,, Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Displaying pages 256 - 260 of 279 in total