1854 Trustees Meeting Minutes, Volume 2, 1831.005.002



Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 041)

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 041)


things in the report in question, which are not clear to me at present. -

If, on the other hand, the Trustees meant to put the two offices on an equal footing, and to revoke the rule laid down in March last, in their general plan defining the duties of present & future officers "by which it was made the duty of the Assistant to act under the Superintendent", it would be a measure which would not change my view of my present duty.

Two independent executive officers at the Cemetery without one directing mind above them, would not only not "promote harmony" , but would seriously interfere with the interest of the Proprietors.

The Trustees all know that I have, for several years, been desirous to withdraw from the Office of Superintendent, & that I have tendered my resignation to them. Most of the Trustees know that the only reason why I did not peremptorily withdraw at once after the last Annual meeting, was in order that some person might be so far initiated into the duties of the office before I left, that individual proprietors might not be inconvenienced, & that the interests of the Corporation might not suffer by my action.

The reason no longer exists. Mr Mann has become somewhat acquainted in the Cemetery, & has, no doubt, the confidence of the Trustees. In order therefore, that the Trustees, with greater freedom, may go on with their experiment, and make such arrangements as they deem requsite for the promotion of harmony among the agents of the Corporation & of economy in its expenditure." _

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 042)

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 042)


I now announce through you to the Trustees my unchangeable determination to withdraw at once from the post of Superintendent of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, which I have now filled for several years, and I beg the Trustees to allow this resignation to take effect at the earliest date which is consistent with the due arrangement of the details incident to the change.

The severe and painful sickness of my wife, will prevent my immediately vacating the house which I now occupy, but I will do so as soon as possible. I should be glad to have this letter entered at length upon the Trustees records."

With respect yours etc. (Signed) Rufus Howe Superintendent

Mr Howe's resignation accepted—

After some remarks by different gentlemen, resolution of which the following is a copy, were offered by Mr Gould, and adopted.—

Resolutions in regard to Mr Howe

"Whereas Mr Rufus Howe has tendered to this Board the resignation of his Office of Superintendent of Mount Auburn, which he has so long & so acceptably filled: we should not do justice to Mr Howe or to our own feelings, did we permit this occasion to pass without some expression of our sense of his eminent personal worth, & of the faithful services he has rendered to this Corporation

Be it therefore Resolved, that this Board have received, and do accept with regret, the resignation by Mr Howe of the Office which, for so many years, he has held in this

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 043)

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 043)


Corporation,— an office the arduous & delicate duties of which he has discharged with singular fidelity, & the most considerate kindness & urbanity.

Resolved that Mr Howe's salary be continued up to the , together with the use of the house which he occupies, should he find it desirable to retain it: & that he be requested to retain his office till a successor can be appinted to take his place."

Voted that these resolutions be entered upon the records with the letter of Mr Howe, & that a copy be sent to Mr Howe.—

Comee to nominate officers at Mt. Auburn & prepare regulations for same_

On motion of Mr Kuhn, Voted that the Committee on Grounds be requested to prepare a code of regulations for the government of the Officers at Mount Auburn, & to nominate suitable persons to fill any existing vacancies.—

After some further conversation opon various mat-- ters. the meeting was dissolved.

Attest Austin J. Coolidge Secretary


Trustees. Special Meeting

A Special Meeting of the Trustees, called "to hear & act upon the Report of the Committee in relation to Super-- intendent &c., & to transact any other business may come before the meeting"— was held at the office of the Secretary on

There were present— Messers Bangs, Bigelow, Crockett, Curtis, Read and Tisdale.—

The Record of the last meeting was read & approved.—

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 044)

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 044)


Report of Comee to nominate Officers for the Cemetery

Dr Bigelow, Charman of the Committee appointed at the last meeting, submitted a Report, of which the following is a copy.—

"The Committee to whom was referred the subject of nominating resident officers at Mount Auburn, & of preparing a code of regulations for the gov-- ernment of the same:—

Report, in part, — That they recommend the appointment of Mr Jonathan Mann as Superintendent pro tem. until further action of the Trustees: he to receive compensation for his services at the rate of Eight hundred dollars per annum, beginning on the . And he is to perform all the duties hitherto required of the Superintendent, with power to call on other resident officers for assistance when necessary.—

They further recommend ^that Mr B.F. Wyeth be retained, until further action of the Board, in the Office of Gate Keeper & Superintendent's Clerk, with the same salary as at present.—

(Signed) Jacob Bigelow.— for the Committee ."—

Voted - that the foregoing report be adopted.—

Injuries to Tower_

Voted that the Committee on Grounds be authorized to cause the reparation of injury done to the woodwork of the tower by cutting & defacing, in such was as to prevent the repetition of such injury.—

Last edit about 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 045)

Trustees Records, Volume 2, 1854 (page 045)


Fence about tree

Voted, also that the same Committee be authorized to cause the erection of a suitable fence around the large oak tree in front of the Chapel.—

Windows for Chapel

Voted, that the Committee upon rebuilding the Chapel be authorized to procure new windows for the Chapel with cast iron sashes for the clerestory

Foundation for Statues

Voted— that the Committee upon Statues for the Chapel, be authorized to cause a foundation to be laid for the pedestals to said Statues.—

The meeting was then dissolved Attest Austin J. Coolidge, Secretary


Trustees .

The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held at the Office of the Secretary on

Present— Messrs Bigelow, Crockett, Kuhn, Little and Tisdale.—

The Record of the last monthly meeting & the latter portion of that of the last special meeting was read & approved.

The Treasurer having stated that large payments on the Chapel &c. would soon have to be met, it was

Finance Comee power to sell Stocks.

Voted. that we recommend to the Finance Committee to sell such stocks of this Corporation as they shall think most expedient.

Adjourned Attest A. J. Coolidge Secretary

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns
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